Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Free Playground Mobile Clips

OCD needs you! This is the TOCOTON!

The TOCOTON What is:


To sustain our work on Turandot or Congress Launderers Brecht
http://brecht- turandot.blogspot.com / , we decided to go Festival of Avignon this and was trying everything for the whole, to play our show.

We are launching a fundraising campaign order to finance this project which will most likely deficit but we will, we believe, dates over the next two theater seasons.

Our budget is limited, and we must consider all possible funding modalities.

Some of you know our work, others have heard or others are just friends with some of our members.

If you want to help, there are two solutions:

1. Pledges:

Membership and donation to our association (that is obviously our preferred solution). It entitles
  • For particutliers a tax cut of about 66% of your donation directly applicable to your income tax.
  • For businesses, it is entitled to a 60% reduction in the amount Your donation directly applicable to the corporate tax
Send your donations to: TOC 140 rue du Faubourg St-Antoine 75012 Paris

2. Intentions of loans:

The loan rate 0, contractualised by a recognition of debts between OCD and you privately or through your company if you wish. Repayable over 2/3/4 years depending on your choice, and the terms to be agreed.
It is clear that aid from a company will be valued on our communication leaflets.

Feel free to share them with your friends or relatives may be able to support us.

Hoping you'll be sensitive to this solicitation, we will continue to create in times of crisis, and thanking you for having read this post until the end.
