Thursday, March 25, 2010

Funny Army Manual Sayings

By extension campaign texts of laws on decentralization in Goma: Nyamwisi received by Julien Paluku

- (begin text) .- Arrived Tuesday in Goma, in charge of decentralization in government has been warmly welcomed by the population of the capital of the province of North Kivu.

Anxious to see this process succeed in this province, Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi has announced the 25 to 27 months in the course of a workshop building setback for leaders of the decentralized territorial entities (City mayors, heads of chiefdoms and sectors, the mayors of municipalities), and members of the legislative body, including members of the Provincial Assembly.

After the airport, the minister was received by the governor of the province of North Kivu, Julien Paluku Kahongya.

Coming out of this hearing, he indicated that such training is crucial, particularly for those social actors. "Hence the need to raise up so that the option taken in the context of decentralization is actually a reality in everyday life on land for the benefit of only administered, "he suggested.

official sources, it is our responsibility that this seminar will be organized by the Italian Cooperation through the region of Tuscany and the World Bank, is a forerunner for a job that will to extend over the entire country.
A report that decentralization has been adopted through the constitution as "the management of the DR-Congo" and its implementation is essential, as it will development of all the decentralized entities and bewildered.
This issue of cutting continues to run much ink and saliva throughout the country. Therefore go step by step to benefit the districts to the least advantaged.
is much more decentralized that is not equal to découper.Car can be cut without a country or decentralize, decentralize a state without cutting it. In DR Congo, the cutting is included in the process of decentralization. Article published by the newspaper L'Avenir .- (End text) .-minidecat/jeudi, March 25, 2010 .-

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Does It Mean That A Patient Is Incontient?

Ministry of Decentralization: Meeting of the return of World Bank mission in Kinshasa and Bandundu.

Surrounded on one side of his fellow Ministers of Civil Service, Budget, Health and Vice-Minister of Budget and other Experts quoted by the World Bank to head with Marie-Francoise Marie-Nelly Director of Operations of the World Bank for the Democratic Republic of Congo, Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development has outlined the meeting.

This was mainly the presentation of the results of the analysis on the process of retirement in the public service, analysis was done on request of the government's assessment of progress in implementation of the roadmap on sectoral decentralization.

The issue of reforms of public financial management and public service has held a prominent place. For the World Bank, problems still persist in the area of fiscal decentralization, although potential solutions were identified in some aspects. The analytical work on governance issued by the World Bank experts said that even if the mechanisms for the standing order for payment of the handover have been implemented in reality, the handover can still not a regular at the provincial level.

Individual ministers present at the meeting promised to engage vigorously in all that concerns .- (End text) .-minidecat/samedi, March 20, 2010 .-

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How Many Months Does A Professional Color Last

PAIDECO / Kisangani: MBUSA Nyamwisi conduct an inspection visit in April!

- (begin text) .- Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, Minister for Decentralization and Regional Planning, received in audience in the day this Thursday, March 11, 2010 the Resident Representative of BTC BTC in acronym, Pierre DULIEU who was accompanied by Yvan Dionne, an expert on Decentralization and Development Local and National Coordinator of the Unit Support PAIDECO.
On leaving the hearing, Mr. DULIEU served the press that his meeting with Minister Mbusa Nyamwisi took place within the framework of preparations for an upcoming visit to Kisangani in Orientale Province of a delegation from the Congolese Government officials accompanied the BTC to assess on site achievement PAIDECO Project, a program of Community Development for the BTC working in 7 provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This visit he said, is planned for the month of April and could coincide with other Ministerial visits which will take place at the same time and will discuss the planning of activities PAIDECO. The Resident Representative of BTC took this opportunity to raise with the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development of other projects in the BTC already hard at work in this city boyomaise. These include the Power Plant project, the project supports the health service and a program of rehabilitation of roads. Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi that continues to compliment the achievements of This project has reacted positively to this proposal BTC .- (End text) .-minidecat/samedi, March 13, 2010 .-