Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Masterbate With Saline Solution

chronic the weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

about the month of July 2010

To have a new column on July 2010 , there is of course what I wrote in my earlier columns, but again and again, more than 2050 years after the Romans and Julius Caesar.

month of July break with the habit of giving the month a name that refers to God but also a name that is not a reference to the place occupied in the month calendar as it will be the case for the last four months of this year.

This was the fifth month of the Roman year, hence his first name Quintilus, was baptized July, in honor of the family of Julius Caesar, who had just set up this famous calendar "Julian " which will remain in effect until 1582. That was in the year 44 BC. The Ides of March, so in the beginning of Roman senators assassinate Julius Caesar to stop what they feared to be the establishment of personal power. A few months later, this same Senate decides on a proposal from Marcus Aurelius trusted lieutenant of the famous Jules, that an order to give the fifth month of the year, the name of his family, the gens Julia. Roman or curious curious reversal of influence, murder of Julius Caesar and four months after a tribute that lasts more!

So first to the one we owe one of the most important reforms of the calendar - even if he had to adjust some 1500 years later - that I would like to beginning of this column to pay tribute. At least in science scholars that Julius Caesar had brought back from his conquest of Egypt. He was responsible for the considerable work: trying to set a method as possible to coincide with the cycle of the sun determines the seasons and over the moon it was she who until then was the benchmark for most calendars.

Sosygène of Alexandria was the principal architect of this calendar which can stress the accuracy of calculations. 10 days of error and offset more than 1500 years. The reform has kept the memory of Julius Caesar sponsor.

I will then outline some steps in the cycle of the sun and moon as they continue in both of their influences conditioned by the time we have this month of July 2010. I remember a few parties and then the expressions of time and history, or our ancestors have left us in July, and we use without knowing what they mean. On July 14, and certainly what the story, as it has taught us we have learned, but Thermidor, the heat wave and the madeleine among others, for in July that these expressions have their origins.

Let us first what is the cycle of the sun and the moon since they will determine both the time and we have that vacationers and tourists on behalf singing of " Juillette , hoping to have a beautiful tan. I could pick up quantities of quotes to support my own observations, even beyond the sayings and proverbs which I refer so often. Aratus, a poet of the early Christian era, translated by Germanicus Caesar, nephew of Tiberius, wrote: "If you're careful during regular sun and moon, you will never be mistaken about the time of day, and you will not let you take in the serenity of the treacherous night. If the first day the moon, its light gathering, reappears on the horizon, their darkened leaves growing At times the skies darken, when heavy rains threatened the laborers and sailors. But if the front of Phoebe is colored a virgin modesty, fear the wind: the wind still inflames the beautiful face of Phoebe. If the fourth day (that's your safest index), the moon rises clear and pure, and its growing tips are not dull, this day and every day following until the end of the month, will no rain and no wind and the sailors rescued from the storm, the bank will pay on their vows to Glaucus in Geoduck and Melicerte ". You have acknowledged in passing the new moon and disturbances it often entails, and also the beautiful sunset and flamboyant announcement that wind. I could give many quotes here that all say roughly the same. Pliny, for example, " If the moon rises resplendent in a pure light we think we have good weather, if it is red, wind ... etc. .. . Found in our old sayings in Provencal

" Luno blanco, Franco journado,
Luno palo, the Aigo devalo; Rougo Luno, lou wind Boujo
gulhado Luno (horns in the air) the terrorist molo,
pendento Luno (horns bottom) fendento Terro,
that Luno hangs, splits that terrorism "

And many others like these: " Beautiful new moon in three days cruel " ; or " the new moon beautiful, the four water " ; or " When the moon comes beautiful, after three feast days it is ".. and many others like it. But if the new moon rises on the weather, it announces the fine then: "When the moon is bad, the next will be charming" and more precisely: "When the moon rises in a bath, two days after some good weather, " that confirms one day after the phrase: " When the moon is in water, the third day it's nice . It speaks for itself. By cons if it rains for the new moon, it lasts until the first district, as the old saying Bourbonnais "If rain falls during the new moon, the rain will persist until the new district"

The sun, since the solstice began its downward trend. Its warm rays become drying. The days are getting shorter. It's harvest time. The rise of the sap of plants and calm down toward the roots. End of July can be grafted. The race of the earth around the sun, unless its orbit is at its aphelion is to say, its farthest point from the sun. The days are still long because the more you are away from the sun, the more it enlightens us. At the December solstice the earth will be at perihelion. (These terms are closer to the path of the moon at its apogee or perigee).'s Simplify things because we feel that our earth is the center of everything and everything revolves around us, which is not quite accurate .. The sun's path around us, and rule the season.

In July 2010 the new moon is July 11 and there is a lunar node that is to say that the curve of the moon intersects the curve of the earth around the sun . There are solar eclipse on 11, visible South America. Heaven of the days of eclipse is often white, soft. Do not these days gardening. 13, the moon is at its perigee. The combination and reconciliation of these signs will cause some disruptions in the coming days. Perhaps the famous storms of 14 July.

For the 190 St. Felicitas July "The day of St. Felicitas, is seen to come with cheerfulness, because everyone has noticed, is the most beautiful day of summer " . but it is also said "Rain of July 10, seven weeks of rain."

The curve of the moon will be rising to 12 while the shape of the moon is waning. On 12 July, the St. Savin "Dew of the day of Saint Savin, is said to be pink wine." Then the moon will grow until the full moon of 26 and his career will be downward. It is rather a sign of good weather for this period is the true and only during a heat wave, that is to say, the annual period from July 19 to August 17 when the star Sirius in the constellation of the dog, " the little dog, "and sets rises at the same time as the sun.

Pliny the Elder wrote in his Natural History in Book II, ch 40 and ss: "As the heat wave, which ignores that, getting up, she turns on the heat of the sun? "

Today and especially since the 2003 heatwave, heatwave when we talk about that in a given area, the temperature remains high and the low temperature range. Grosso speaking this corresponds to a temperature that does not drop below 18 ° at the North of France and 20 ° south, and reaches or exceeds 30 ° north and 35 degrees south. At the time of writing it is in the heatwave!

If I think the forecast from Météo France, which has long demonstrated that she could not predict the long term .. ! Michel Daloz, engineer meteorologist this agency announces that the good weather will last and that despite storm damage, which will affect the temperature, the summer will be warm and even warmer than average over the entire France, with few precipitation. "It will not be a heatwave but a real summer as people await them . We'll see!

Regarding July 14, we learned in school that King Louis XVI was far from the concerns of his people and he had noted in his notebook " nothing as if nothing had happened that day ... We must reposition things and give an explanation to this word "nothing". In fact, events since the early rush of May date for the convening of the Estates General. The King is concerned and does not know what to do. He accumulated blunders. But to his credit one must say that this July 14, 1789; too concerned, he did not go hunting. He then wrote the book on which he enters his hunting exploits, the word "nothing" . It's not quite what we were taught! It has an accuracy and Max Gallo reveals a well-documented book on the Revolution.

It was during the heat wave period from July 19 to August 17 which is the aptly named Republican Thermidor me that is the feast of St. Madeleine, 22. This festival gave us the great Fair of Beaucaire but Madeleine Paulmier that we owe the name of the famous little cake that name " madeleine Commercy The King Stanislaus of Poland as a second home was the castle Commercy Lorraine. It is said that one day when he received Voltaire and Madame du Chatelet, his cook would have made these famous cakes with a subtle flavor of bergamot, whose use spread quickly to the Court of Louis XV. They named their creation. From there to talk about the madeleine Proust, I will not venture on what has become a well-known metaphor. I find it curious that Proust lived 9 Boulevard Malesherbes, near another Madeleine familiar to Parisians. No causal link.

Regarding Lobster Thermidor sauce is a recipe created in 1884, Mayor restaurant in Paris, in honor of Sardou's play "Thermidor." Victorian which comes from a family of writers and authors is only distantly related, not very clearly established, with another well-known family of artists and Fernand Michel Sardou.

I again invite you to admire some time after sunset, the beautiful Venus, the star of the Shepherd, the so beautiful "evening star pale .

The tone of this month is rather pleasant and happy. No more vagaries of Juno. However, a good month of July does not mean, as for city dwellers today thirty-one days uniformly sunny. For the farmer, thirty-one long days without water are afraid of the consequences disastrous "July without storms, famine in the village." rains in July does not rot the earth "Rain of July, water basket . And "morning rain ..." which we know does not stop the Locust: ".. . good wine !

These are good omens! That's something for everyone. Good month of July. Addisias. !

Jean Mignot 30th of the month of June 2010