Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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chronic weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

September 2010

is the month of school, the classes, but also the resumption of activities generally. The magic of the holiday had reshuffled the cards of the time. We took the time to live. The joys summer, the reunion with family and friends will soon no longer as pleasant and nostalgic memories that help us live tomorrow.

September brings autumn tides, declining days, stirring daily routine. More than 1 January, 1 September marks the real beginning of the year, the real recovery with its procession of good intentions, wishes more or less utopian, they come from those responsibilities or those who want to be there! " Tomorrow will be new and will depend on us. There is less to discover than to invent (1896-1960 Gaston Berger, industrial, and philosopher, among other works "inventor" of the term "prospective" and father of Maurice Bejart.) This invitation is an invitation Gaston Berger to look ahead with confidence, without being overwhelmed by the disappointments of the past but without giving in to promises full of illusions, others who believe they are the best! Do not fall into old routines. The return can not be bitterness or that events principle with targets not always avowed ..

" Telling the truth about the reality of the country and the world, deciding with the constant concern of justice, act with responsibility in the balance of rights and duties: there is no other way to restore the respect that the French expect in their daily lives, professionally or privately, in their relations with government as with elected officials. Respect for people, of course, but also the authority of the law, values ... "You have to find the source of this quote!

News, discoveries, changes, probably demanding yet challenging, are scheduled. Do not miss the start of September. As for notebook schoolchildren, September is a new page to open.

And yet it is only the ninth month of our year, and has even been downgraded since its origin was in the seventh.

It is better for us it has kept its original name because he very nearly called Tiberius if Germanicus, Tacitus or even to follow the example of the months of July and August as we have seen. These innovations, motivated by flattery, to the Roman emperors were fortunately no tomorrow. After ninth in the reforms of calendars, when we first added January and February, to coincide with the time scale of the seasons, it has kept its original name. The Republican calendar, established by the Convention, did start the year with the month of Vendémiaire at the autumnal equinox, which corresponded to the creation of the Republic. The first part of the month was Fructidor, month of harvest fruits of the harvest that followed are now more and earlier! In September the apples are picked and gaulent nuts, especially for the Holy Cross on 14 " At the Holy Cross, picking apples and nuts rod. From 8: "A Good lady of September all fruit is good to take . There is urgent need to finish picking all the fruit because: "What August has not matured, it is not September, which will" and also: "In September, will cut what hangs . The grapes will mature on the same dates " A nativity, maturity begins . And again: " ripens in August, September harvest in two months, all well arranged .

The fruits of summer will make excellent jams. Remove pan, slotted spoon, ladle, stoner, sieve, wooden spoon and other instruments and get to work! Make jams brings the joys of creation, the happiness of the family to enjoy breakfast or taste, and is pleased to offer what is done by oneself. It revive a lifestyle and an era when we had the time to ... take your time!

The first half is still summer, often, but the second half is decidedly in the fall. The days have an average of twelve hours and thirty minutes, and will fall further in the month. Hence the recommendation of the Bourbonnais saying: "At the St Leu, lamp CLEU " and in our dialects of the South " Oou my de setembre, lou Caleu're a hang. " Lou Caleu: the oil lamp.

Despite the shortening of the length of day, the weather is still pleasant and the back end can be more beautiful than the primus tempus, Spring.

With a waning moon and decreasing until 14 September with promises that could be significant disruptions around 8 and 9 with large tidal coefficient 115, the moon at perigee and the new moon on the same day: "September wins or dries up the decks fonts. We have in our Midi the sad experience of torrential rains caused the now famous phenomenon Cevennes. . Yet these rains are beneficial in general and all the sayings of September the rent like this: "Rain in September Joy of peasant " or it "wet September not empty barrel .

This year 2010 we escaped the heat wave, but the lack of rain is important that this does not portend a good harvest of truffles!

September is a month when agricultural work is rife: " In September, the lazy can go and take . Begin plowing and harvesting approach: " Oou my lou rasin de setembre es bouen hanging . "September the valiant overworks the peasant."

It will be the end of the Muslim fast of Ramadan and the feast of Eid el Fitr and in the days that follow, for Jews the first day Hebrew year, or 1 tisserie Tishrei, the year 5771 date alleged in the first book of Genesis, the Rosh Hashanah holiday tracking of Atonement Yom Kippur. There are fears in each of these festivals disorders among neighbors and no one can forget a September 11!

September is the start of most migratory birds as " swallow September abandoned the sky cooled fall " and continue their long pilgrimage, often to Africa and warmer climates. September is last month's opening hunting.

September 23 is the equinox and the beginning of Autumn. In the Gregorian calendar, the dates of equinoxes vary over time. In fact the Earth's orbit is not perfectly circular and its speed depends on its position. Consequently, the seasons are unequal duration. Last year the equinox was on September 22. It will be again on this date in 2012. It will fall on September 21 in 2092 for the first time since the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1582. It will happen again in 2096 and again in 2464. He fell in a 24 September 2 times in the early nineteenth century and eight times in the early twentieth century, he falls for the last time on this date in 2303. Necessary adjustment of our calendars to the race time!

After the equinox of September 23, the feast of Saint Michael, September 29, has a great importance in the farming world. It is almost everywhere at this time that many fairs are held. We can say without exaggeration that the agricultural year was for "New Year" on the day of Saint Michael. At that time, the land is free of obligations. It does not harvest more and has not yet received seed. Plowing themselves begin only in the last days of September and ends in early November: " From St. Michael to Halloween, plows full speed. "

was the day of Saint Michael that traditionally marked the end of the lease rent, or they were renewed. Similarly it is the St. Michael being "poached" or "hired" the farmhand and other staff. Hence, for the St. Lambert September 17, this old saying that urged caution: " The feast of St. Lambert, who leaves his place loses it." In the second half of September, in fact, that is preparing, among farmers, workers and clerks, reciprocal commitments for the coming crop year.

The St Michael brand the last days of heat, " At St. Michael, the heat rises to heaven. "

It is time to expect the rains to fall there are fears that yet ..." When aoubo san Miqueou is tapado, ploou Quaranto pie day e uno pasado " " When the dawn of St. Michael is covered, it rains for forty days and more ... ! " Lei pluio san Miqueou, Soun Jamaican restado to Céou" " Rains of St. Michael, never stayed in heaven ..."

It should be fine between 13 and 19, crescent moon and yet down until the full moon of 23 which is in rising moon when she herself will decrease. It will be a another period of disruption and if you sleep poorly, you think maybe my column!

Good Fall Welcome back, good job!

A Diou Sias.

Jean Mignot

the thirty-first of August 2010 (known air!)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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Emerging from a meeting with the Minister MBUSA Roger Meece confirms Monusco support the process of decentralization

The UN Mission for Stabilization in Congo (Monusco) is determined accompany the process of decentralization in the DRC. These comments are the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN in DRC, Roger Meece, speaking yesterday after a meeting he had with the Minister of Decentralization and Regional Planning, Antipas Mbusa Nyamuisi .

The representative of Ban Ki-Moon to the land of Joseph Kabila, decentralization is a key area that needs attention before noting that it contributes to improving services and living conditions of the population.

In addition, Roger Meece said the Monusco was an effort to increase the capacity of Congolese institutions to combat insecurity throughout the territory.

However, he is convinced that the protection of civilians and the stability of Congo are among the priorities of the Monusco. He also noted that the restoration of the authority the state had occupied an important place during his tenure. Roger Meece plans to expand the active partnership with the Congolese Government.

Roger Meece's visit to the office of Minister Mbusa Nyamwisi is part of a series of contacts he has initiated with the Congolese authorities after taking his new position. Different contacts will enable the Special Representative of UN Secretary General to have an accurate view of actions to be taken during his tenure in the DRC.
For its part, the pattern of decentralization is reassured of the contribution of Monusco its industry.
Mathy Musau .- (article published by Forum des As) .-

Friday, August 13, 2010

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The World Bank made the diagnosis of decentralization in rural

The World Bank and the Ministry of Rural Development jointly organized Thursday, August 12, 2010 at the Cercle de Kinshasa, a national workshop on decentralization in rural development sector. The objective of this workshop was to validate the study report on decentralization in rural development sector. This study was the diagnosis of rural development sector.

In his presentation, the consultant pointed out that agriculture and rural development are two complementary areas. Agricultural development is the improvement of agricultural structures, productivity and incomes of farmers influential on development.

In contrast, rural development beyond the scope of agriculture. Because it covers the promotion of rural activities generating non-farm incomes, improving rural infrastructure and community capacity-building organizations and rural institutions. For all these reasons that this workshop on the study of decentralization in rural development sector is a first step to initiate the process of institutional review of the department.

Sector Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development focuses on market access, improving rural infrastructure and trade capacity, governance and capacity building and human resources, the rural organization and financing of the sector.

In light of these strategic areas, the institutional review will take into account all matters pertaining to improving the living conditions of rural populations. This is the rehabilitation and maintenance of farm access roads for rural electrification with appropriate technology, promoting and strengthening the capacities of farmer organizations for greater ownership of the actions ...
Once the work of the Workshop, a roadmap for the draft is already contained in the consultants' report will be integrated into the great road map of the decentralization process. As with other sectors for which there have been similar studies on decentralization and governance, it was found that awareness campaigns and explanation have not had the desired impact. Because the refund and the campaign have not been up to expectations and the population although committed to the cause, do not know the ins and outs.

Hence, it is important to support the central government in its efforts to deepen and clarify the decentralization policy through the translation of texts into national languages.

Inadequate financial resources to meet the challenges posed problem. This is particularly true for sectors vectors of economic growth such as agriculture and rural development.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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Secretary General of UCLG. Jean-Pierre Elong: "African countries will be stronger if they are truly decentralized "(Le Potentiel 11/08/2010)

The Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Planning held yesterday Tuesday, August 10, a panel discussion on "the opportunities offered by the associations of cities, municipalities and local communities and the need for DRC to organize the decentralized territorial entities in associations." This theme was developed by Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General of "United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA).
In its submission, the Secretary General of UCLG has shown that decentralization is "the heart of the democratic transformation of the Congo . Prior to point out that the most stable of the world are born of decentralized entities. In this regard, he called on Congolese authorities to accelerate the implementation of decentralization.

Therefore, the "territorialization deserves to be placed on the agenda. Without decentralization, there is no development in Africa, "he said. And note: "African states will be stronger if they are truly decentralized."
Regarding the DRC, he has insisted that it is at the heart of Africa. While Kinshasa "is the global connector of Central Africa."
In his view, local governments are at the heart of decentralization. Why, he invited the leaders of those entities to "recreate" the hope for Africa.
In terms of its structure, Elong Mbassi said his major goal is "to continue throughout the deepening of decentralization."
For his part, Minister of Decentralisation and Planning said: "Unity is strength; cities and communities in the world have realized this by creating the Cities and Local Governments of Africa."
For Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, economic growth and social development should be expected to primarily benefit the population spread across Africa in countries stowed in various regional organizations. He added: "This population, as a recipient of those goods and services expected, should also be associated with the dynamics of regional integration, including through institutional arrangements. "
In addition, the Minister said that the legal instruments as continental organizations, regional and national integration plan that both sought must not be limited to states, but should be extended to its sub-components for better rooting. Prior to remark: "It is in this context and in terms of SADC ministers responsible for Local Government to mobilize it established a subcommittee support of the Governments and Associations of local authorities ". Hence the interest, he added, in our provinces, our cities, our towns, our chiefs and sectors to organize themselves into associations at the national level and to join either individually or collectively to regional associations, continental and global.

Moreover, Mbusa Nyamwisi has indicated that "in the early 21st century, no one can conceive of development in isolation, sharing experiences and disseminating good practices is a necessity Good Governance, the watchword of our times. " By Albert