Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mw2 English Languages

chronic weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

the month of August 2010

With the name of this month, as here: "August" we are facing a phenomenon of deterioration of our language, that is to say, a phenomenon which distorts the origin of the word and face a amuïssement that is to say a disappearance of a letter from the root word itself The "s", which, without being too sharp an etymologist, poses a real problem because it is not possible to trace the origin of the word. The 1990 report on the corrections of spelling even recommends simplification of spelling in "August." Plus internet makes us ignore all the accents!

August was named after Augustus, first Roman emperor, but here, unlike other languages, it has lost all traces of this origin: Augustus Aoust, August, whereas it remained Agosto in English and English August.

According to the most trusted dictionaries, the Littré and the Academy, for example, August has ceased to pronounce "a-out" since the sixteenth century because of the reluctance that French has for the hiatus. It has unfortunately continued, they tell us, write August with an "a" but the pronunciation has-or is outdated. Fountain even wrote "ost. "" I peers (1st edition) she said, before Out animal faith. " August pronounce "out" Voltaire said in the warning of Zaire. Madame de Sevigne wrote months out, and the Patriarch of Ferney begins a letter to the Marchioness of Deffand " At Ferney 19 August, because it is too barbaric August and to write or pronounce. " pronunciation "a-or" re-appears from the nineteenth century among the speakers and Democrats in poets like Saint-Beuve, V. Hugo H. Regnier but it would, it seems, in the true French tradition by speaking always and only "or".

This is all the more surprising that other words are derived from the name as "chiggers" for this mite that causes itching and allergies at this time, and "aoutien" which denotes a person taking holiday in August .. Will it ever change one day these names? Sure, as reported by Menage, we may, with the President of Bellievre " imagine hear cats meowing when the prosecutors, in court, saying that the case was postponed to mid -August! "

historian Flavius Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius, better known under the name of Macrobius, born in 370 AD in Numidia, in one of the three kingdoms that divided the North African Berber (we a little too inclined to erase what happened in these regions before the year 622!) and Lucius Cassius Dio, Dio says, born in Bithynia, not far from Nice, have left us the story of the Roman Senate's decision to name this month named Gaius Octavius Thurinus, Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus, which we have selected as the qualifier Augustus. These are called historians " couriers witnesses." It does not seem to me necessary to develop this rather explicit expression. Nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, Octavian, 20 March 1944, six days after the assassination of Julius Caesar, who will accept the heir of his great-uncle. He has nineteen years, which is the word of Cicero, a leading actors of the moment "value does not the number of years"

Only much later in the year 8 BC sextilis that "the 6th month the Roman year, became "Augustus" the Senatus-consulte justifying the decision to pay tribute to key events in the life of Augustus, as its first consulate, his three victories, the conquest of Egypt, the late civil wars , made in the course of the eighth month of the year. Later Nero, by imitation, wanted to call the April Neroneus, but this attempt has not been sanctioned by posterity. Phew! That is not to make a difference between uncle and nephew being added thirty first day this month, took on additional month of February, to put put on a par with July. So Augustus after Caesar we owe these two consecutive months of thirty-one days, not because we consider the month of hummocky fist! And because of Augustus that February is shorter than all other months.

It has yet to Emperor Augustus the word "patron " has popularized when it was the proper name of an adviser and friend of the Emperor, particularly in arts and letters. .

Traditionally, August is the second month of annual leave school the longest, in the summer while in the field is a month of many important works, often very hard, crops, fodder, preparation of fields for plowing, harvesting.

"I'm Aoust which no grant Loys
Should not take séjounre,
But mowing, fener pleasure,
Set barn and beat venner ... "

says the Great Calendar of Shepherds Guiot-Marchand in 1496.

The start time of the month is that of the heat wave period and while the tourists, holidaymakers and other people leave, aoûtiens, only think about swimming, celebrations and summer recreation of all kinds, not forgetting the rest, the farmer turns his fields: " In August and harvest, there are no holidays or Sundays " because " who sleeps sleeps in August to its cost "For us it says:" After August 15, more than nap or snack. But we must beware of excess when it's too hot " In point of excess heat wave, at any time point of the trial" Even the nap is prohibited .. "Even layer would be your taste does not sleep under the August sun "or" In August anyone sleep at noon repent. " Yet nap is beneficial if we talk about it more and more and we even wrote books to extol the benefits. This word comes from the Latin "sexta" the sixth hour of the day, time and prayers in monasteries for many believers.

There are several types of naps: the "nap blitz which usually lasts between 10 and 30 minutes - this term is also generally recommended for above 30 min nap it is quite difficult to quickly return to the waking state, the "roya the nap" from an hour of "micro-naps " which lasts less than 5 minutes. The nap can regain focus and energy, and puts in a good mood. It is still advisable not to begin to nap after 16h for not having a negative effect on the following night.

The siesta is common practice in hot countries, the hottest hours when the sun is at its zenith: the heat does not work very physical and the work is handed over to the cooler hours.

In Spain, the office hours to leave the English siesta time: they return to work in the afternoon, about 15 or 16 hours. Instead, they end up later, between 20 hours and 21 hours. The government tried unsuccessfully to change this habit at odds with the demands of globalization: the schedules of officials could now finish in 18 hours. The state hopes to encourage companies to follow suit. In China the right to nap is enshrined in the 1948 Constitution, Article 49: " Those who work are entitled to nap." In Japan, many Japanese companies have built in their local areas for the napping more or less forced their employees. In colder countries, the nap is less common. The young children often need such a moment of rest, at least in the form of a "quiet time" held in facilities (schools, recreation or vacation). In the West, the nap is often seen as a "luxury", a time to steal time from work or other activities associated with or even laziness. During the nap, you can simply lie down or sleep frankly. The time varies from person to person, ten minutes to several hours.

With Hardy we could sing: " And if you put on the answering machine is better than the earplugs, you have not noticed that it's time for a nap. .. Fidgeting too early would be a mistake, you're in need of rest .. "

The ancients knew that the key to dreams is one of balance and happiness, and recommended the practice of siesta. A former president of the republic has prefaced the book by Bruno Comby: "In Praise of the Siesta."
" Indulge yourself, lie down, do not resist the call of the nap, this plunge into voluptuous daytime sleep! Sleep, dream, break the moorings with the shore of timed daily! Decide on your time, nap! "Thierry Paquot wrote in his essay:" The art of the siesta, "and he emphasizes the mastery of time and the recognition of a time doing nothing else but sleep ...!

In Provence and here is the " Pénéquet " a small sum to the Provencal, One of these symbols of the art of living in Provence, associated with the sun, play balls and pastis! Although it is not reserved to the people of Provence, this magic moment becomes very important in our region, especially when the heat becomes more oppressive. how to resist, after a good morning spent bowls, traditional sport popular aperitif after a well watered "little yellow" followed by a meal, such as aioli, for example - which requires all possible energy to succeed good digestion - the call of a small Pénéquet? That's the question facing all when, Provence the meal, the silence becomes imposing, only interrupted by the chirping of cicadas. This is the time to slip on a chaise longue in the shade of large trees or behind the shutters of a house containing Crusaders still fresh of last night! The Pénéquet is now winning the minds and more and more supporters from a nap that would become mandatory are heard praising the benefits of a nap for a quarter of an hour a day to improve memory, judgments and creativity of all. So do not sneer at this sacred moment!

The nap us left at least three words closely associated with its practice: " the meridian, which is currently mostly used to designate a chair on which it rests. It is a sofa with two bedside tables of unequal heights we called " recamier " because of the famous portrait of David. The "sofa" is also a couch with three issues that serves as headquarters, and is often confused with a sofa. "is called a sofa a sort of couch like the Turks . That brings us change of the moon on August 11 start of the new lunar month and the beginning of Ramadan for our Muslim friends. The days are still long, it's hot it's much more difficult to fast when that period falls during periods of heat, and it will be the same in 2011 (1 August 2012 where the lunar month begins with the period heat wave coinciding with the month of Thermidor.

This time we are in the ninth month of the lunar year. This is the month of fasting holy month par excellence. The Qur'an was revealed, word for word "came down" during the month Ramadan said the Book (Qur'an, ii, 185). Each day of the month, since the advent of the new moon must be marked by a strict fast that ceases when the appearance of the first quarter of the moon following is duly recorded exactly when it is possible to distinguish the dawn of a wire white wire black. A whole casuistry has been extremely accurate set up by tradition and law schools: conditions, requirements and limitations of fasting. It would take too long to list the rules and discuss the differences between schools. The common teaching can be summarized as follows: for the fast is valid, we must make the intention, and carefully abstain from anything that might break it. When it is hot, so it is a particularly difficult to observe fasting, especially as the days are still very long.

During a new moon the night is dark It will be ideal for stargazing during the Night of Stars, which takes place this year on 6, 7 and 8 August. We can see the famous Perseids or " Tears of St. Lawrence " This is a meteor shower visible in Earth's atmosphere, After debris as a grain of sand from the comet Swift-Tuttle, a comet discovered by Adolphe Quetelet officially. There are traces of the first observations of these meteors under Julius Caesar and of Augustus, but it was only between 1864 and 1866 it established a relationship between the Perseids and Comet whose meteor shower is outcome. These meteors are observable when the debris of Swift-Tuttle encounter Earth's atmosphere, either at the end of July until 11 August. That swarm the most spectacular and most popular of the year, as it occurs, to the northern hemisphere, during the summer.

In 42 BC when Augustus was celebrating the Ludi Victoriae Caesaris, games in honor of the victories of Caesar, he passed one of these meteors was decreed that it was the soul of Julius Caesar, who was returning to the sky and the gods and from that time were added to other names of Augustus "Caesar Divi Filius."

The moon is down from August 6 to 18 but will be increasing . It's a good time to make cuttings. Prune roses have flowered and fold to five knots. It will rising of September 18 to 2 but it will be decreasing . Favorable time to sow. Always the same difficulty to understand and explain the complex cycle!

There is a node lunar August 7 and another on August 20. They are always periods of atmospheric disturbances and weather changes. On August 10 the new moon that will mark the closest perigee of us. At the full moon of 24 she is away at its peak. It will be a good time to cut the branches of raspberries that have already borne fruit. They will do more. We can remove leaves around the grapes so they ripen better.

That's what this month of August inspires me to this column. That is still the course of time, the race of the earth around the sun and dancing in the moon around the earth that conditions still the weather. Feasts and seasons when you know a lot and almost as much as me. I wanted a few lines make you look in August in another way, by linking this chronic earlier that you received and read, or not, and the next to come. Adissias!

Jean Mignot 31 of July of 2010 Holy Year compostellane


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