Friday, December 31, 2010

How Much Plumbers Charge

chronicle the weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

the month of January 2011
From the beginning of the year and month of January:
Among peoples making use of a solar calendar, the beginning of the year has always been fixed by mere convention. The Roman year began with the month of March. Julius Caesar, on the advice of Sosigenes of Alexandria, was three months ahead of that date: the year 709 of Rome (- 45 chronologies, - 44 astronomers in algebraic notation) began on 1 January. This is the initial date of the Julian reform, as Rome - and with it the nations under his rule - applied for 345 years ... From this period date the months of January and February, because the calculations of astronomers, scientists demonstrated was missing at least these days to match the length of time with the conventional cycle of the sun. At least it was not even compensate for errors by calculating a leap day.
The first month was spent added to Janus, the god of doors. It is always represented by a man with two faces, looking behind and ahead. Nice symbol for the first month of the year.
But over the centuries, the year did not begin anywhere from 1 January, and early varied at the discretion of Churches, eras and countries. To mention first that France, the year began March 1 in many provinces in the sixth to seventh centuries, at Christmas time of Charlemagne (and in some places, such Soissons, until the twelfth century); Easter Sunday under the Capetian, giving years of highly variable length (almost universal use in the twelfth thirteenth century until the sixteenth century in some jurisdictions), although in some regions, the year began Fixed date, March 25, the day of the Annunciation, when close to the vernal equinox. It was not until 1564 that, by decree of Charles IX, the beginning of the year was necessarily set in France on 1 January.
Of Gift Giving:
is early this year and not for Christmas that were made and gifts were offered of presents until the recent invention of Father Christmas comes to give a resolutely commercial this very old custom, which has nothing to do with Christmas, much less with Saint Nicolas already existed.
The gifts, Stren or strenua with the ancients, were intended to show respect for people of value and merit. The drifts reached soon. The use of presents gradually became so frequent under the emperors, all the people would wish a happy new year to the emperor, and each bore him a present of money, according to his power. Augustus received in such quantities that his successor Tiberius, humor absent express the darkest days of the year to avoid them. These ceremonies held so loudly people six or seven days of the year he was forced to make an edict in which he defended the étrennes spent the first day of the year. Caligula, who succeeded him, informed him that he was quite friendly and he fixed the period of the Kalends of January to receive what his predecessor had refused. Claude, abolished the custom, and defended, for stop, we would not have him come to present gifts. .
A link still exists between the months of January and the Christmas bonus of the day of the year: New Year's gifts given to janitors! Janus is the boss! False presents and "April Fools" are a distant memory of those bygone days. Only in Spain, where the gifts come with los Reyes, Kings. But the ritual of these ceremonies is still well rooted in our habits, to a point that presents and cake of kings, it is often very difficult to reach certain services and not those of the administration during the first fortnight of January . Besides the expenses that entails. Like many I think it would be useful to another destination to the money spent on these buffets. But there will be elections in 2011. ! Finally! It could be even more modest when especially during a crisis that never ceases to end.
The word calendar comes from the Latin calendarium the "register of debts , whose interests were in the Roman custom, to pay the first day of the month (calendae ) that day, a pontiff met the people to announce dates for public holidays. In general, it is a system developed by men to identify days, and so large measure time intervals. The first measure of intervals is large due to the need predict the return of the seasons where they are marked, especially that of the cold season, to ensure sufficient food supply: the hunter and the pastor - and the farmer more - need a calendar seasons and pace of the Sun needed to man. The ancients measured and defined a model of the solar year, which will compete with another natural unit, the lunation. The desire to match the race of the earth and the sun was right in the Republican calendar.
The Republic was proclaimed September 22, 1792, a date which happened to be the day the autumnal equinox, the Republican calendar fixed the start of the year "to calendar day falls on the autumnal equinox to the meridian of Paris."
Time and influences of the moon and the eclipse of January 4 :
As we invite the god to whom he is devoted, January, early this year, we invite look at what happened this year and turn our eyes toward the future.
From the past will be remembered this December, unusually cold, with amounts of interference, I you had already announced in February 2010 and in my previous column. I note once again that no columnist, no journalists, no meteorologist has spoken for the bad weather, full moon of Dec. 21, the solstice that day, the lunar eclipse and the node that crowned everything. And yet! If today you will visit the sites of the most reliable weather and not that of our national weather that is still a very careful, you read that everywhere we have announced a winter colder than average but may be shorter with an atmospheric phenomenon not easy to explain. (Sic!)
At the time of writing, the short warm spell is followed by a new offensive from the cold this January and will be scored on 4 of the new moon with a partial eclipse of sun visible France. This phenomenon will take place from 7:50 am until about 10:30. The percentage of the surface of the solar disk obscured by the moon is important because it reaches 65 to 9%.
Rather than spread the warning by official health services, here is a great quote that we called "the boss" the Secours Catholique. He knew how to take responsibility and did not the recommendations expected from the government to warn staff and ask the managers to take responsibility. Here's his note: " A solar eclipse, total in the South of France and partial in the other regions will be visible on the morning of February 15, 1961. Because of the rarity of the phenomenon, it could not fail to be the object of great curiosity. It is the duty of managers to become aware of the dangers of such an observation. It is known that the crystal, acting as magnifying glass focuses the sun's rays onto the retina which is burned without pain in 2 or 3 minutes. He should know also that the invisible infra-red through tinted glasses that are a real danger in reducing glare and c onsequences by allowing observations that lead to longer more intense irradiation of the retina. Young patients with good vision and dark eyes are more sensitive than the elderly, myopic, or with clear eyes. It is therefore very important that the staff of Catholic Relief knows the precautions to be taken: first: not only watch the eclipse through very dark glasses. On the other hand: not only do so in a manner very brief. 1) Regarding the glasses: Use only glass coated with plenty of black smoke, placing it above a simple candle. We must place the blackened side towards the sun, the side being naked in front of the eye. The sunglasses do not protect. 2) With regard to duration, not to make only brief comments, 5 to 10 seconds or less: they can however be repeated after a period of about three minutes. Formally prohibit making representations to the naked eye. Note that even with these provisions, we must have time to observations, since the shadow of the moon reaches the sun 6h.10, will cover the maximum 8h.20 and leave at 10:30. "
You will notice the passage of humor" must place the blackened side towards the sole it: "one imagines what might give the opposite! The ministerial circular contains point by point this note: the risk to the lens and retina, the greater risks for children, the duration of observation, etc. .... In terms of today's all there. Of course there is the reference to the standard European Directive 89/686, since now Common sense is codified by our international staff.
The lunar orbital plane makes an angle of 5.8 ° with the ecliptic plane that is to say the plane on which the sun apparently moves around the earth. The lunar orbit is elliptical when the distance of the earth is the shortest is the perigee, and when she is away it's peak. The moon cut plan each month in two points called the Lunar nodes, ascending or descending. When the full moon or new moon occurs at a node, there is an eclipse of the sun or moon. That is what will happen on January 4. This time the moon that passes between us and the sun. The days of eclipse are always moments of atmospheric disturbances, and these are times when more plants that we are very sensitive. Do not make sowing, do not touch the plants and trees. Let the plants rest. That is the conclusion of these disturbances which explains that in ancient times it was feared eclipses. In addition we saw the sun darkened and there was concern it disappeared. .
The revolutions of the moon, or moons, causing reactions and profound changes on our planet. To those who still doubt the influence of the moon, including those who say that these comments have no scientific basis, then I ask to explain what is observed for millennia by all peoples of the earth, the tides of the seas, the flow of the water table groundwater, with all their consequences, or the birth of the full moon, or insomnia, or the growth of plants and many other findings yet!
In rising moon, all that is life on earth is refreshed. Lu Pu-hui, Chinese scholar living in the third century BC, advised to eat shellfish during this period. " When the moon is full, the shells are filled ... But the days of the Moon, all animals are empty shell ... "is also the time to slaughter animals for food because their flesh is firm and juicy, the rice planting or sowing wheat, because they will rise above, or even to pick up Healing Plants because they are filled to the maximum of active ingredients.
life is slowed down by Moon. Thus, the Chinese proceeded to the castration of eunuchs and future of the animals during this period in order to spare them from suffering excessive and avoid complications. Plant salads waning moon, it will not come up. Do with your hairdresser that these days, because your hair will grow slower and you'll save.
2 011 years of thirteen moons?? :
To say that the influence of the moon is such that this year being a year of thirteen moons is why he will make a nasty time this year, there are some nuances to make . Each year there is someone to write it! Although I personally ready to moon the strong influence that I have often explained, I am more cautious about this assertion. Simply saying that there is often thirteen moons in a year since the year is determined on a cycle of 365 days and the lunar month is 29 days. There will be thirteen new moons in 2011, and each time I have often written, there are disturbances at the time of the lunation or within three or four days. So if there are thirteen new moons, the year will be worse since the new moon almost always causes disruption and bad weather. But there will be only twelve full moon in 2011 with twelve lunar months and a few more days in early January and 7 more days in late December if we take the reference of the lunar month to get to 365 days. In 1999, the which has seen falling in a violent storm was a year to 13 moons. As the year 1976, which was an extreme heat wave. (Worse than the heat wave of 2003). In 2009 there were 13 full moons and new moons only twelve and twelve full moons in 2010!
scientists and other meteorologists even astronomers argue that this global warming CO2 greenhouse gas emissions, the hole in the ozone layer and all the rest and do not want to pay attention to old observations our ancestors who are the source of sayings and proverbs about the weather.
must keep right and do not lend an ear too sensitive to fortune-tellers who make a fortune every year in this period. We can not pay that much for very little justification to the old belief that according to popular wisdom says that years of Thirteen Moons are years of bad weather and it's nice that A month or April August. It does not appear that it is systematic!
The only evidence we have are words of elders, including farmers, transmitting more or less myth than a year with 13 moons instead of 12 is to be feared. But is it verifiable and demonstrable? Is it is the "legend Village"?
This month, I ignored the sayings always very numerous. I note only that this time those giving you the choice to count provisional " the twelve days of Christmas which will give time to the Kings of twelve months" or " first twelve days of the year show the weather twelve months of the year . Since the Kings are no longer celebrated on January 6th but the first Sunday in January we will pay less attention to this saying: " the coldest winters are those who take to the Kings . Yet that day will be cold that's almost guaranteed! And the various weather sites reliable, not too-that of France Weather! we have all announced for the month of January 2011 the persistence of a dry cold, with a negative anomaly of about - 1 in France and a deficit of rainfall. The major concern especially cold in Central Europe.
cold until about 8. Sweetest of 9 to 19 that is to say until the full moon, and again the morning temperatures below zero in late the second half, with strong dominance of a stream west of 27 to 31 month .. We've been warned! be cautious and let us warm.
Bon month of January 2011 Happy New Year and let us warm! Adissias!
Jean Mignot December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Broken Blood Vessel In One Eye


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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Feeling About Doraemon


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Monday, December 27, 2010

18 Week Old Baby 4 Formula Feeds A Day

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Marie Corion ( has posted a new blog entry.

Blog Entry hello Dec 27, '10 12:05 PM for everyone
Today, the prayers are worth the time, much more precious than diamonds and lor. You would presently trying to overcome hard times, but know that the Lord is ready to bless you on a path, that is to say in situations that only he can help you keep foi.Je ay introduce myself, My name is Marie Corion I am married, Fire, that is to say to the deceased, my husband CARLOS McCallum of Canadian nationality, glorious and blessed memory of who was a consultant engineer of the republic Benin for nine years. After six years of marriage, he died after a short and simple illness of 4 days. Since his death, I struggled in diseases such as brain cancer and diabetes that push me to come here to treat me (LONDON). Most recently, my doctor told me that I would not survive after the next three weeks to come, this was my problem of cancer that bothered me for quite longtemps.Ayant known my present condition, is my decision to donate, a charitable organization, all that I've inherited from my husband defunt.Dans fear of finding people good morals who can use that money to good end, I've been chosen by those whom God wanted to bless and jai cest why you decided to leave my fortune to ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND U.S. DOLLARS (1,500,000 U.S. Dollars) With all modesty and sincerity dune donor. The world is so perverse on the mercy of God that jai took this decision because I havent been with my married denfant who can inherit this money, either I dont no family as to bring confidence with a black man after the death of my husband CARLOS McCallum, my family for my rejected, merely because that fianssail is contrary to the custom of my family. Both I ran my fortune bequeathed to my current lover, but it is so bad that characters he runs across to get my money right now while I'm still alive in my situation. For my other material goods, which are not money well on, I ve made a good distribution.Je am sure that after my death I will be with God the most merciful and benefactor. As I am currently the hospital, contact me m outside world is allowed only once a week or so I can move my jen took the opportunity to send you this message of urgent appeal. So I do not want my lover has always lapping around me because of my fortune is made aware of this message that I run on the Internet, for that fact I urge you to exercise discretion around you. As soon as I ressoive your reply and confirm your availability to receive the money and use the honor, I give you the contact of the institution in Benin Republic who await my instructions before transferring this fund that I would show them. I want you to know that the funds you receive as a gift of a woman from dying, you do good use, of the use to bless else poor (such is my dearest wish at this time) and so you'll have no problems with no clauses that d have made him with my institution that I have deposited the money and who will transfer you discreetly largent.Repondez me in my inbox is the most consulted: marie.coriodominique @ May Peace and the mercy of God be with you. Mme Marie Corion 

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Viral Infection Blood Pressure

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The mission is simple: get behind the wheel of the audi 2003 a4 on the only snowy day in audi 2003 a4 so far this year. Drive it enough to get a feel 1s3 for its raucous power, grippy handling and smoothly styled cockpit for the audi 2003 a4 crowd.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Homemade Belt Buckles

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Make A Difference Clipart

The HSRC / Bandundu wearing a new dress! DRC

_ (begin text ). _ Now, the Center for Social Science Research in the Bandundu province, in the city of Bandundu rehabilitated 40 years after its construction.
A work of more funding from the World Bank through the Project for Capacity Building in Governance MDP in acronym of the Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Development.
The official handover ceremony of the building that houses not only the research center but also the provincial coordinator of the MDP was held Monday, December 13 last in the presence of Provincial Governor Dr. Richard NDAMBU WOLANG accompanied the Provincial Executive of the delegation from Kinshasa composed of the National Coordinator of MDP Popaul KIZUNGU, the Financial Advisor to the Minister of Decentralization MBO Makasi.

Speaking at the first, the Provincial Coordinator of the MDP / Bandundu, Professor Michel BALABALA served by any dish that is thanks to the foresight of the Governor does this dream became reality.
After serving successively Bandundu Provincial Assembly in February and later the divisions of finance and budget, arrives today around this great Centre Social Science Research highlights Mr. Popaul KIZUNGU National Coordinator of MDP who praised the way, the successful tenderer HIGH TECH selected for this work of rehabilitation following a rigorous procedure.
He then used this ceremony to remind the provincial authority in addition to transparency, public financial management and the public service, decentralization is one of four transversal priority of the governance contract signed by the DRC government in 2007 and the IDA grant support through the MDP under the supervision of the Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Development.

For Bandundu, for rehabilitation, the project is in its third brilliant action in this year called the Year of Social Head of State.

Rehabilitation work of the Centre for Research in Social Science Bandundu consisted of masonry, tiling, carpentry, roof repair, refresh the paint, overhaul the electrical system and air conditioning. To avoid possible inconvenience nuisance caused by cuts of electricity, the building now has a 15 KVA generator. The total cost of these works have been estimated at around 178,000 U.S. dollars.

The General Director of the Centre for Research in Social Science has not missed words. Anaclet KUZITUKA thanked everyone who concurus to achieve this work.

Anaclet KIZUTUKA particularly thanked the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, the National Coordinator of the MDP, World Bank and the Governor of the Province of Bandundu.

In an atmosphere of joy as the ceremony ended Monday, December 13 last Bandundu Town, ceremony performed after a heavy rain . _ (End of text). _minidecat, December 20, 2010._

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Constant Annuity Bond

Birth of an Association of Cities and Towns in acronym "AVC / DRC." The World Bank team

- (begin text) .- As part of the first General Assembly of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mayors and Mayors from the different provinces of the DRC met in Bandundu- city from 21 to 23 November.

A first since the history of this great nation, these meetings were aimed at the creation of an association of cities and towns in the DRC to open a space for exchange of experience, of mutual enrichment on the one hand and promote solidarity between cities Congolese and other municipalities.

Held under the auspices of the Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Development, the foundation has given birth to a constitutive declaration signed by 15 cities and 15 municipalities November 22, 2010 in the town of Bandundu. This statement constitutes a main aims between the involvement of its members in the defense and effective implementation of decentralization in its various aspects, to promote the integration of decentralized territorial entities of the Republic of Congo in the movement International Association of Governments premises as part of decentralized cooperation, promoting cooperation and exchange of experiences between cities and towns in the DRC, particularly in local development.

Association of Cities and Towns in the DRC stroke / DRC has in acronym for Member Cities and Towns all existing at the date of 21 November 2010. Those that will be created later are members of the association expressed the condition application.

At the end of the signing of the declaration constitutes an office of interim committee was set up. Composed of 11 members, the committee's chairman, the Mayor of the city of Kananga, Dr. Antoinette Kapinga .

Some recommendations have been made against the Government and partners.
Among these recommendations, participants call for the involvement and support from central government and provincial governments for the emergence of stroke / DRC . The latter emphasizes not only the reinforcement of the capacities of actors continue the SED but also the revitalization of the centers of finance ETD for the channeling of revenues to the national character Returning to the decentralized territorial entities. Partners, they have been appealed to respect the legislation in cooperation and consultation in the selection of projects that can reflect the real needs of the population and local partners.

Started Sunday, November 21, 2010, these meetings were closed on Tuesday 23 of same month by the Minister of Public Service representing the Minister for Decentralisation Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi prevented. Below is an exclusive constituent of the statement stroke / DRC, the closing speech of the Minister UPIR Public Service and the minutes of the election of members of the interim office of the Association.


We, Mayors and City Mayor of the Municipality of the Democratic Republic of Congo met in Bandundu General Meeting November 21, 2010;

Given the Constitution of 18 February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially in its Article 3 establishing decentralization as a way of managing our country
Pursuant to Law No. 08/016 of 7 October 2008 on the composition, organization and functioning of the decentralized territorial entities and their relations with the State and the Provinces, especially in Articles 41.60 and 97;

Considering the need for concerted action to create a framework of dialogue and solidarity between the Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo;

Considering the need to promote better understanding and closer ties between the Cities and Towns Congolese and there are spaces for exchange of information and experiences in local development within the framework of a collective learning ;
Considering the need to facilitate the partnership links between the Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo with other regional and local authorities 'CPC' and the corresponding ETD other African countries and / or world ;

Considering our commitment involve Cities and Towns in the effective implementation of decentralization and consistent in our country;

Considering the challenges of structuring decentralized territorial entities in the service of Congolese Democracy, governance and local development;

Have decided to organize ourselves in each association of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo " stroke / DRC " in acronym which constitute a network of local authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo;

The Association of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic Congo set itself the following main objectives:

1) Involve members in the defense and the effective implementation of decentralization in its various aspects;

2) Ensure the capacity of its members;

3) Supporting members of the association in promoting economic development and local social and defend their interests;

4) Promote the integration of decentralized territorial entities of the Republic of Congo in the associative movement International local government within the framework of decentralized cooperation ;

5) Promote cooperation and exchange of experiences between cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly in local development.

All Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo at the date of 21 November 2010 or later are to be established members of the Association of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo provided to express demand .

Mandate the temporary office of stroke / DRC we put in place today, to prepare the draft of the Statute and Rules of Order Within our Association and to convene a General Meeting (in 4 months) for final adoption and elect a permanent office.

Each City and Town agrees to pay a membership fee payable in Congolese francs to an amount equivalent to 250 U.S. dollars for the City and 150 U.S. dollars for the municipality pending the adoption of a schedule of annual dues to be proposed by the Bureau final.

Manufactured in Bandundu, November 21, 2010

Mr. Deputy Chief of Staff, Representative of His Excellency the Prime Minister, Head of Government,
Honorable President of the Provincial Assembly of Bandundu,
Mr. Governor of the Province of Bandundu,
Ladies and gentlemen Provincials, Mr.
Representative of the Belgian Minister of International Cooperation,
Ladies and Gentlemen Provincial Ministers,
Ladies and Gentlemen of Cities and Towns Belgians
Honourable Mayors, Distinguished
Distinguished Senior Executives in your respective qualifications,
Distinguished Guests,
Dear participants

We arrived here after the sitting devoted to the General Assembly of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

During three days of intense work, participants had to address the following topics:

- Decentralized Cooperation and Development local
- The local government associations in Africa;
- Associations of local authorities in Belgium.

The objective was to establish its foundation the Association of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo through the adoption of a Declaration of Commitment signed by the participants.

This is an opportunity for me to congratulate the initiators of this meeting marks a focus on the implementation of the decentralization process in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its appropriation by local actors who you are.

Distinguished Guests,

dictated by the need to create a framework for dialogue and solidarity between cities and towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the rest of the world, the Association of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo in acronym AVC / DRC has set itself the following missions:

- Promoting the integration of decentralized territorial entities of the Republic of Congo in the associative movement international local government as part of decentralized cooperation;
- Promote cooperation and exchange of experiences between cities and towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly in local development;
- Supporting members of the association in promoting their economic and social development as well as defending their interests ...

Dear participants ,
Your Association has set up a Provisional Committee which met certain criteria of equity, gender and regional balance. From this office, we expect quality work, participation and incentives to promote local development.

We also expect that office work and unifying defense of the gains of decentralization, a cooperative effort between your intercommunal entities, a solidarity work between you the benefit of your citizens. Dear participants

I can not conclude my address without acknowledging the decision how much responsibility you took, you organize an association of cities and towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a strong signal for the acceleration of the implementation of the decentralization process in our country and stand, I do not doubt the grassroots development of our Territorial Entities Decentralized.

is an opportunity to ensure support from central Government which expects a lot from this foundation for its policy of decentralization of ownership by local stakeholders that you are.

"United we win"
"Divided, we can not" say

It is through this note of hope and the adoption of the founding declaration of the Association of Cities and Towns in the Republic Congo to cities and towns from the rest of the world I declare closed the proceedings of a meeting of cities and towns in the Democratic Republic Congo.

Long live the Republic of Congo

Long live the Association of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Thank you

Manufactured in Bandundu, November 23, 2010

The year two thousand ten, the twenty-second day of November, We, Mayors and Mayors of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo, meeting in Bandundu city from 21 to November 23 as part of the General Assembly of Cities and Towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo;

Considering the Constitutive Declaration of the Association of Cities and Towns adopted in plenary by the Mayors and Mayors, dated 21 November 2010;

Given the need to equip the budding association statutes and rules of procedure and the scale of contributions and the convening of the General Assembly of Cities and Towns in acronym AVC / DRC as soon as possible;
Have designated consensus by the members of the Provisional Committee of the Association whose composition is as follows:

1. Speaker: Mayor of Kananga / Kasai Occidental, Ms. Antoinette Kapinga Tshibuyi
2. First Vice-President: Mayor of Lubumbashi, Katanga, Ms. Gregory TAMBILA
3. Second Vice President: Mayor of City of Bandundu / Bandundu, Ms. Catherine Lusamba
4. Rapporteur: Mayor Boma / Bas-Congo, Mrs Marie Josée NIONGO NSUAMI
5. Assistant Rapporteur: Mayor of Kimemi / Butembo / North Kivu, Mr. Gilbert Bwambale
6. Treasurer: Mayor of Tshopo / Province Orientale, Madam Godelive MOSUNGA Kyan
7. Assistant Treasurer: Mayor of Kanshi / Kasai Oriental, Mr. Anaclet EDIMEKOMBA
8. Councillors: - Mayor of Kindu / Maniema Michel OLLE OKOKO ;
- Mayor of the Basoko / Bandundu, Mr. Bosco MONGO IMEMU ;
- Mayor of Wangata / Mbandaka / Equateur Mr. Jean Pierre MUMBEKA Montender .
In witness whereof, we drafted and signed the minutes of the day, month and year first above .- (End text) .-minidecat/11 December 2010 .-

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Long Does Blood Work For Std Take To Get Back

It's cold! ...

Yep .. again and again .. we are talking about a wave of exceptional cold, never seen in these periods, etc.. etc. ..
While awaiting the chronicle of December here's a quick reminder ..
  • - 14 November 1887 he fell 23 cm of snow in Paris and its region
  • - The November 15, 1919 snow storm on northern half of France, the maneuvers last hour of the Great War can not be held
  • - On 16 November 1940 on a other register a hurricane flooded the Vendée coast. Widespread damage
  • - On November 17, 1968 is not that old ..! snow over much of France. The races were canceled at Auteuil
  • - November 18, 1993 yes! beginning of a major cold spell that lasts until the end of the month
  • - November 19, 1952 The snow over most of the territory. 11 cm in Paris
  • - November 21, 1962 The beginning of the cold snap the longest ever recorded ..! Then November 20, 1994 that he had very hot weather with 24 degrees in the Limousin
  • - November 22, 1998 he exceptionally cold Corsica and the snow reached the coast
  • - The November 23, 1928 a hurricane swept France. Chimneys collapsed in Paris
  • - November 24, 1984 The storm over the northern half of France with gusts to 110 / 150 km / h
  • - November 25, 1969 The beginning of a strong cold wave. Snow paralyzes many parts
  • - The November 26, 1971 Snowfall very commonly 25-50 cm in Cote d Gold and Limoges
  • - The November 27, 1982 a snowstorm paralyzed the sticky Etienne and Lyon
  • - November 28, 1993 The many homeless are victims of the cold across
  • - ; The November 29, 1925 Snowstorm across France. The flakes reach Nice
  • - November 30 1993 is not that old! Traffic is impossible in the Paris area because of freezing rain .. and that same November 30, 1958 snow blocks all the Massif Central ..
I could have chosen other examples. If I found them and if I mention here is that they were recorded somewhere. Then why we still speak our media is unprecedented and exceptional.
And why our meteorologists scholars stubbornly refuse to make a comparison with the phases of the moon, so that these circumstances are all linked with the position of the moon on these dates there.
to them to explain the coincidence! The facts are there.
If our elders had written:
"For Catherine, make the meal, because for Saint Andrew, the reach will be frozen"
"For the St. Catherine winter throws its flour"
"Sainte Catherine is not without a white coat"
"At the St. Severin (27) warms up your loins"
"When the winter is not pressed it arrives at St Andrew" and many other similar sayings ..! it is because they had often observed that cold periods occurred on those dates.