Monday, December 20, 2010

Make A Difference Clipart

The HSRC / Bandundu wearing a new dress! DRC

_ (begin text ). _ Now, the Center for Social Science Research in the Bandundu province, in the city of Bandundu rehabilitated 40 years after its construction.
A work of more funding from the World Bank through the Project for Capacity Building in Governance MDP in acronym of the Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Development.
The official handover ceremony of the building that houses not only the research center but also the provincial coordinator of the MDP was held Monday, December 13 last in the presence of Provincial Governor Dr. Richard NDAMBU WOLANG accompanied the Provincial Executive of the delegation from Kinshasa composed of the National Coordinator of MDP Popaul KIZUNGU, the Financial Advisor to the Minister of Decentralization MBO Makasi.

Speaking at the first, the Provincial Coordinator of the MDP / Bandundu, Professor Michel BALABALA served by any dish that is thanks to the foresight of the Governor does this dream became reality.
After serving successively Bandundu Provincial Assembly in February and later the divisions of finance and budget, arrives today around this great Centre Social Science Research highlights Mr. Popaul KIZUNGU National Coordinator of MDP who praised the way, the successful tenderer HIGH TECH selected for this work of rehabilitation following a rigorous procedure.
He then used this ceremony to remind the provincial authority in addition to transparency, public financial management and the public service, decentralization is one of four transversal priority of the governance contract signed by the DRC government in 2007 and the IDA grant support through the MDP under the supervision of the Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Development.

For Bandundu, for rehabilitation, the project is in its third brilliant action in this year called the Year of Social Head of State.

Rehabilitation work of the Centre for Research in Social Science Bandundu consisted of masonry, tiling, carpentry, roof repair, refresh the paint, overhaul the electrical system and air conditioning. To avoid possible inconvenience nuisance caused by cuts of electricity, the building now has a 15 KVA generator. The total cost of these works have been estimated at around 178,000 U.S. dollars.

The General Director of the Centre for Research in Social Science has not missed words. Anaclet KUZITUKA thanked everyone who concurus to achieve this work.

Anaclet KIZUTUKA particularly thanked the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, the National Coordinator of the MDP, World Bank and the Governor of the Province of Bandundu.

In an atmosphere of joy as the ceremony ended Monday, December 13 last Bandundu Town, ceremony performed after a heavy rain . _ (End of text). _minidecat, December 20, 2010._


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