Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Abscence Of Cervical Mucus Means No Pregnancy

chronicle the weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

December 2010

"When Saint Eloi very cold Four months does the cold " This is a month of December started very badly and that confirms the predictions heard here and there will be a cold winter. But December is so cold it will be a good omen for the new year " When December is cold when the snow falls, you can have fruitful years faith" and " cold and snow of December wheat to resell .
All people know, a coat of snow is the best safeguard against freezing soil depth. The snow is also an enrichment. " December s'envient with white feet, a year of good snow year "
" Gibre Avan Nadau percent Escut us vau! " frost before Christmas, we are worth a hundred crowns " told us, or " Quouo desembre es fre, e toumbo that the neu, d 'uno annado drudo the pos Agee fe "" When December is cold and the snow falls in a year you can have fruitful faith! "

December, the last month of the year, placed by the Romans under the protection of Saturn, father of all gods is always tinged with some sadness. Is not it sad to see them off the days and years? Yet December is a month like the others. In the eyes of young and old, the last month of the year is one of wonder, of inner peace. It is a month of traditions of all kinds, mostly related to the Christmas party. But in December 2010 than other years will be marked by what could happen days around the solstice. I will speak of that first since many years I have spoken extensively of these traditions "Calendale" that is to say, end of year, ranging from wheat the Santa Barbara Christmas, the manger and figurines, the thirteen desserts and three low masses that no longer exist except in the wonderful tales of our Gard Alphonse Daudet, via the St. Nicolas, Santa Klaus, the ancestor Santa's trade, yet it has turned into Father Christmas!

No will not be surprised if I tell you I think the influence of the moon. At least a number of coincidences are difficult to disprove, because the observations are here! those we can do but also those of our ancestors who have deduced the rules and made sayings that often check. I also find it hard to understand those who say that the moon has nothing to do with all that! ... as I saw demonstrated recently by a statistician who wanted to prove that the full moon has nothing to do on births, much less disruption to our sleep or what clever engineer who was very embarrassed when I told him to counter his argument "but then Mr. explain to me the tide! "radio silence ..! It is true that neither one nor the other of these speakers was a meteorologist and neither has been able to explain what the waxing moon and waning moon! Just did they distinguish the full moon with a crescent moon! but they were conferences!

So there. This December 2010, when it starts, holds out its promises . It is cold! But it will take a good look what will happen in the days immediately following the winter solstice on 21. All comments which I have often talked to you in these columns, we say " weather changes, they must take place - observe caution! - usually occur in lunistices, especially on 3 rd days. "This is for example what is happening now with the first cold snap arrives after the full moon of November 21, the lunar node and the curve of 24 lunar perigee 30. The temperature is plummeting. Wednesday 1 st December will be a very cold day everywhere in France and there will be a thaw on 5 or 6 with the new moon of December.
These same observers, including myself, still say that " when the full moon or new moon at perigee occur there is often danger of disruption, particularly at the equinox or the solstice, and when high tides . He added, " was the case during the storm of 26, 27 and 28 December 1999, and the tsunami of 26 December 2004 occurred at the full moon of the solstice with lunar curve at the peak on 27 "in lunar calendar of Rustica.
Last observation: " when the full moon or new moon occurs at node lunar eclipse there. The eclipse periods are always times of disruption Atmospheric .

Now this December 21, 2010, the day of the winter solstice, it will full moon day, there will lunar eclipse, the moon will rise to curve a descending node and the moon will be close to us, its perigee December 25 ember and tidal coefficient is highest around the month of 90/91 in Brest ( large tidal are more around 115 )
All conditions are collected to encourage us to look at what happens in these days of year end. I do not venture to forecast, not to scream with the prophets of disaster like the one announced to support the launch of a film about the end of the world in 2012 .. He will watch and record.

Anyway cultivate our garden! Until December 5, you can still cut if it does not freeze too hard, 5 to 21 of the waning moon period is favorable for planting and sowing. After 21 in moon rising - so it will be decreasing - ( remember that it should not be confused with increasing and decreasing uplink and downlink) may be planting again. " At the feast of St. Thomas, the days fell to the lowest, will grow up one step " is a saying that may date from the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582 since before the solstice was fixed to 24 December, which had helped set the date of the coming of the Messiah, Light of the World, December 25. On the eve of this day of light that is Christmas, we celebrated St. Luce or Lucy, hence the famous proverb that is more appropriate since as a result of applying this calendar reform was removed 10 days to paste the cycle of the sun to the seasons " ; At Sainte Luce, the days grow skipping a chip . We all know several nursery rhymes that take the step of measuring an animal to remember the increase in day length ( officially from the solstice as the sun that day stopped running down on the horizon to rise each day a little more earlier and slightly higher in the east ). There is a saying original enough to take this step, the feast of St. Thomas on 21 " day make it to St. Thomas, from the mouth to nas " is to say that the days are getting longer for very little indeed of the area of the mouth to the nose! It's different of course if the nose of Cyrano, who serves as a reference!

As I have often and widely discussed in these chronicles of the traditions of December and Christmas I confine myself to a tradition this time, very strong here in the south of France but has exceeded the limits, and which is attached to these end times of the year when it has nothing to do with This period and with Christmas. I mean the lottery.

We all remember the lotus held in our villages with turkeys, capons and hares and nets hanging from the storefronts filled cafes. These bingos were held only for Christmas, and often even until Christmas Eve midnight mass. In cities, the organization of the lotus had become very important, with lots of quite extraordinary, turning bars and cafes in real gambling houses In 1836 legislative texts intervened to regulate and ban them, the last law on the subject dating from 1983. Now the lotus can be organized as " in a circle and only in a social, cultural, scientific, educational, sporting or social activity and are characterized by being low-value below 20 euros. Lots may not, under any circumstances, consist of money or be reimbursed. They can still consist in the form of vouchers purchase non-refundable. However drifts back to the surface so that the legislature has yet addressed this issue recently. Behind this there is the desire to protect " social animation" but also, do we have to face facts, the desire to regulate the organization of all the gambling, we all know the very palette varied by the French games and misbehavior that it generates.

Our traditional family-run lottery, one organized by our organizations charitable, social or originated in a lottery. They have been known since antiquity, and we know very well that under the Roman Empire and Greece it was customary to draw lots for certain expenses or bribes. Candidates registered their names on the balls of clay that were then drawn at random by " bouleutai " probably an ancestor of our word " eat up" these balls on which are listed the 90 ten lotto numbers.
Moses himself had recourse to draw Jews to grant plots of land west of Jordan. Some even claim that the Great Wall of China was financed by a draw for prizes awarded to different contractors. The Koran itself prohibits gambling in the same way that wine elsewhere (Sura 5).
There are lotteries in Bruges in 1441 as " loteriej" root Frankish " batch designating the lot, hence the word "lotto" in Italian. In Genoa spread the habit of Paris in connection with the method of renewal of Board members City by lot in the Greco-Roman. François 1er allows an immigrant Italian named Tonti, organizing a lottery. An order of May 15, 1539 recorded the Parliament of Paris, created the French lottery.

More generally attributed the invention of the Italian lotto Benedetto Gentile, who have transformed the mode of appointment of governors and procurators of the city of Genoa. In Genoa, as in Venice, political stability was not appropriate and large families were trying to impose significant dominance. To end the power struggles in 1576, the city of Genoa to acquire a 120-member Senate and 90, (hence the 90 issues of our lotto) and this meeting appoints twice a year, five governors or procurators a lot " lotto" (sort = lotto Italian), a mode very close to the appointment of consuls in our cities French, pulling balls into a bag. Soon it came to betting on the release of these five names. This gives us the two words " Lotto" and " Quine "(= five) in the Italian campaigns use the same type of games spread the word as" beano "which would have given" bingo "and the Anglo-Saxon word "quine" became " keno "
Loto, 90, quine, eat up : we have laid the foundations of our lotto "traditional" or "family" which has nothing to do with the National Lottery created him in 1976.

Through centuries, lotteries will undergo successive creations, organizations and bans, according to the financial needs or excesses. Louis XIV, Louis XV and then prohibit the permit. The Convention did the same. The Directory also. In 1933 the National Lottery funds the organization " the Broken Faces". These are the famous tenths of a national lottery that we have known. In 1976 the 5th republic created the National Lottery, the lottery while traditional family continues on.
The boxes are decorated with scenes where the educational goal is not absent. These are collectibles today sought.

The game principle is well known: cartons with three rows of nine boxes, 27 in total, only five squares in each row bearing a number. Ninety balls " Boulotte" numbered, a playmaker is responsible for drawing lots and the players score with grains of corn, and now by magnetic or cardboard round. The first to fill five boxes, shouting " quine" and not just anything as we do because we know more what means' chloroquine.
The utterance of the numbers drawn from the bag is often accompanied by word game to make them easier to understand and to enliven the game these word games, inspiration drawn from the facilitator or a local directory are subject to all sorts of jokes whose meaning is not always explicit and sometimes ribald. Please do not be distracted by asking the neighbor for an explanation then you may not hear the next number and lose a chance to win a prize! salute our neighbors to the 84 or 34, "the Parisian 75" or barrel of the same caliber, not to mention much safer 80, still "in his corner board, the Mame (89 ) " not lying" when you pull his number and Pope (90) "not lying either! And much more!

Christmas will be here soon. And the new year in stride. So with this vow traditional Christmas Eve I finish this column with the hope that nobody will censor this phrase in our talk about noon in lenga nostra, (and not necessarily Provence!) As much as I am very surprised by this decision to an administration that, recently, has declared illegal, a sign at the entrance to a town with the name in French and Occitan. Must be done!
" Alegre! Alegre! Alegre! What we Noste Segnou Alegre! and Ven e al'an that if not sian-mayi, moun Diéou that fuguen not men! " Yes Joy! Our Lord gives us joy! and if in the coming year we are not more numerous, that we are not less!
Buon Nadal! Merry Christmas! Buon 2011! Adissias!
Jean Mignot, November 30, 2010 the feast of St. Andrew
" For St Andrew, the cold says: here I am! "


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