Saturday, November 13, 2010

Formulat Calculating Recurring Deposit Interest

expenditure chain Congolese modern tool

(begin text) .- This Thursday, November 11, 2010 the Interministerial Coordination Chain IT spending has been equipped with a tool in modern computer financing from the World Bank through the Project for Capacity Building in Governance of the Ministry of Decentralization. Consisting of a Generator of 150 KVA soundproof, 71 desktops, 14 laptops, from 4 Laser Printers Professional broadband; of 4 inverters with batteries; 8 Servers and rack cabinets ; Oracle licenses and other hardware related wholes, worth U.S. $ 352 335 (three hundred fifty-two thousand three hundred thirty-five U.S. dollars).

VALIRE Charles, Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Decentralization, representing the Minister Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi this ceremony was to remind his hosts that the implementation of decentralization affects both the management of public finances and that of public administration in addition to political and territorial organization of the Republic for the improvement of governance and sustainable development.

The official presentation of these tools by the IT Department of Decentralization of spending to the chain follows a request from the Budget Ministry to the Ministry of Decentralization in order to see the Computer cell Interdepartmental with a modern tool sufficient. Also need to overcome the deficit in electricity that does not allow officials of that cell work consistently and efficiently. That's why the Boss Decentralization had arranged every effort to recommend to the Project for Capacity Building in Governance, MDP in initials of his ministry this complaint.

The Secretary General of the Department of Budget, has not missed N'SAPANGA ASSAS words to thank this action. For the latter, this is a sigh of relief for this service since 2003 working in awkward conditions. He, on behalf of the Budget Minister, thanked the Minister of Decentralization, the Coordinator of the Project for Capacity Building in Governance through which the World Bank was to finance this equipment in modern computer tools.

Speaking, Popaul KIZUNGU MCSP Coordinator implored the beneficiaries of this marvel of technology to use it wisely. He also announced on the same occasion that a forthcoming Assistance Coordination Inter Computers will be training on Oracle software.

to know also that the computerization of the expenditure system in three provinces considered as pilot province of MDP (Katanga, South Kivu and Bandundu), where the need for transparency is also needed, will very shortly be established with funding from the Capacity Building Project in Governance. Also, the Government of the Republic is currently in talks with other technical and financial partners for expansion This computerization of the expenditure chain in all other provinces.

The delivery of the tool was made in turn by the National Coordinator of MDP Popaul KIZUNGU which symbolically handed a computer to the Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Decentralization, which in turn gave it to the Secretary-General Department of Budget and finally gave the latter a symbolic tool that the Director of the Interministerial Coordination Computers chain spending Mr. Manya .- (End text) .-minidecat/samedi, November 13, 2010. -


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