Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Do Physics In Toys Project

chronicle the weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

of November 2010 and Toussaint
Our eleventh month of the year" Gregorian "which carries in its name memory of one of the earliest Roman calendars in which he was only ninth place is marked, like his other counterparts, so many events, festivals and traditions, which generated many sayings that I will confine most of my column's largest festival, which opens this month because I hear too many inaccurate things about his origins. Depending on the interest that we have, it retains the Toussaint, the holiday and vacations, trinkets instead of a stupid Halloween residue of purely commercial, where the bargain chrysanthemums which would almost remember the commemoration of the dead is their raison d'etre.
We must remember what the feast of All Saints which is written in France without "s" so that it is the feast of All Saints have not forgotten what the English, Italian and even English! Todos los Santos, Ognissanti, All Saint's day in the United Kingdom.
We do not know very well what this festival is connected then it has a distant origin, closely linked to the decline of the Roman empire and the relations of influence with those who tried to sit their power in the face of Roman institutions failed and generated unrest by fights with people skilled barbarians.
The origin of this festival could even bring in a little more modesty and logic, on certain positions such as those on Sunday, or on the Christian origins of our European states if we agreed to watch
face it without denying the pages of history because they constrain some disgruntled.
From the moment it is vacation and public holidays, it still does not call into question some well deserved rest! Especially after lots of protests against the reform of one of the most important points of our French society.
I will not speak only briefly "summer of St. Martin " often confused with "Indian Summer " and used at all about when the temperature gets a bit more lenient in these periods of cold autumnal and the St. Catherine which is a good reference date especially for our gardens.
From the Fourth century, the Catholic Church celebrated the saints and martyrs who died for their faith. This celebration took place on Sunday after Pentecost date is considered the beginning of the Church. With the decline of the Roman Empire
the West, the power of the church and the pope is the only reference to an authority to govern the rules of society. Anxious to put themselves under the protection of state power, the clergy and people of Rome welcomed the images of the new Eastern Emperor Phocas and are praying for him in the oratory of St. Cesaire in Palatine. Transmutation Caesar is performed in St. Cesaire. In 608, to thank him for his loyalty to the Byzantine Phocas donated the recent Pope Boniface IV of property of Empire who keeps a pagan symbolism in the middle of the city of Rome, the Pantheon. This temple, the largest in Rome, with the largest masonry dome built until today, was built by Hadrian, the emperor-philosopher, who wanted to open all the gods Empire. May 13, 610, 3 of the Ides of May, the former pantheon is devoted and dedicated to all the martyrs and to Mary, Mother of God. He became the church of St. Mary of the Martyrs. We pass the Roman gods to the Christian martyrs.
In Gaul where few traces remain after the Roman invasions, the new evangelization will mostly by Irish monks. Ireland had been the safe haven of Celtic against Rome, and remained the shrine of early Christianity during the barbarian invasions. The confusion created by the Celtic-Irish Church promote the penetration of the Irish monks in Gaul. Their success is due to the support of Charlemagne emperor in 768. Barbarian chieftain, wanting to recreate a great empire in the image of ancient Rome prestigious Charlemagne found himself supported by the pope, the more he protected Rome against the Lombards. It will encourage those Irish monks traditions that unify Celtic, Germanic, and Roman empire, and who combine in Rome. Irish monks, they found themselves confronted with the pagan Roman-celtico of our regions, and among the traditional festival of Samhain, which persisted in popular culture and who gave us the purely commercial celebrating Halloween. In 775, Kathwulf, Anglo-Saxon church, wrote to Charlemagne, asking to introduce a feast of all saints. Soon after, in 798, a council at Riesbach creates a new party, the Kalends of November, All Saints. Various explanations later attempt to "romanized" the origin of the festival and bring Rome or Palestine. The documents prove that it is the Gallican influences the time of Charlemagne, which will adopt this festival in Rome. Rome has severed its Eastern origins, so it seemed good politics to please Charlemagne by moving the feast of the martyrs of 13 May to 1 November, making a double win for Saints and ended the ancestral worship of the Celts.
In 835, during a trip to France Gregory IV bishops celebrate All Saints for the first time in the presence of King Louis the Pious. Yet, 860-870, this festival is still unknown at Bourges and Orleans, important cities at the time. Communication was bad and it was far from the unity of a country as is the case today. It is the foundation of the Abbey of Cluny in 910, which will accelerate the movement. All the religious policy of Cluny, whose abbot is a very influential figure, is to revive or create a liturgical calendar modeled on local traditions imbued with Celtic. Hence the reconciliation between these traditions and celebrations of All Saints' current and Commemoration of the dead the next day. That is quickly said the historical origin of All Saints which demonstrates the intermingling of political and religious powers.
We remain in the same relation to about the holiday of All Saints . It is a survivor of the Concordat of 1801 and additional articles of 1802. The first constitution of our Republic had indeed created a state layman, but Napoleon, after a lot of disappointments, had restored the predominance of the Catholic religion. " I need a Pope who brings instead of dividing, and reconciling the minds, meet and gives the government out of the Revolution for price protection as he has obtained. And for this I need the real pope, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman, who sits on the Vatican. With the French armies and ways I'm still the master. He will do what I ask him in the interest of general peace, it will calm the mind, bring them together under his hand and put in mine. "On July 16, 1802 (27 Messidor IX), the Concordat restored the Catholic religion in France and abolishes the law of 1795 separating church from state
in return, the Holy See recognizes the legitimacy of the Republic. "Of all things undertaken by Bonaparte, wrote Chateaubriand, one that cost him most was undoubtedly his Concordat. In 1905, the law of separation of church and state, discussed so hard to share and others do not touch certain provisions of the Concordat and the Order of April 19, 1802 which established the All Saints as a holiday. Article 42 stipulates: "The legal provisions relating to public holidays are days currently maintained '. There were only four days, Christmas, Ascension, Assumption and All Saints. It is the government of Mr. de Freycinet, who in his Law of March 8, 1886, in full religious dispute, and especially in the context of major social movements that have marked the Third Republic, created, among other holidays, Easter Monday and Whit Monday. We ask ourselves today the question of why this decision has nothing religious. No doubt Charles Louis de Freycinet, President of the Council man of conciliation and compromise point that he was nicknamed "the white mouse " (it was the buffer between Gambetta and Jules Ferry!) he sought labor peace! It was worth to recall this history.
One can easily imagine the outcry that would result, especially in the workplace and among unions, the abolition of the holiday Toussaint cut so that the activity of this quarter and holiday lets and often a bridge! All Saints Day holiday, calling us to step back a little the debate on public holidays and the secular state.
The proximity of the Commemoration of the Dead November 2 and facilities related to the holiday led to confusion between the celebration of All Saints November 2 that has a different origin.
November 2, in the West, the monasteries of the Benedictine order, standing, from the sixth century, a day in memory of deceased members of their order. In the ninth century, the bishop of Metz, Amallaire (770-850) brought the cult of the dead after the commemoration of saints, whereas those who after their death, were not yet classified among the saints had need of prayers, before the others.
It Odilon, Abbot of Cluny, who decreed in 998 that would celebrate on November 2 of each year in the Cluniac monasteries, the commemoration of the dead. Cluny the custom became widespread not only thirteenth and fourteenth century. Until the reform of the Roman Breviary of Pius X (1903-1914) the burial was celebrated at the same time as the Office of All Saints. Since 1913 this day was provided with a distinct liturgy.
can not be stressed enough that the Saints this is not the day of the commemoration of the dead. But it is so closely linked!
He had to this long explanation and a little complicated to try to place these parties to a fairer place.
could do the same and lighting by history, by looking at what happened in the various legislatures to establish the Sunday as a day off, a debate that remains relevant. I recall here simply that if freedom of worship
was recognized on Sunday, was not among the holidays causing unemployment. However, the organic articles stipulated that government and judicial institutions were busy on Sunday, which announced the recognition of the Sabbath. " The people eat on Sunday. It must work on Sunday "
do you say to Napoleon ..
November marks the de facto beginning of the winter season. Those days end of October has been set the switch to winter time, which plunges us even faster into the night and darkness. Days will decrease by one hour and ten minutes during the month and our activities will be related to time, shivering and numb. This is the night becomes longer than day. These are the shadows that take precedence over the light. It is in these dark days that the Celts had set the onset of the dark half of the year and month of Samhain devoted to the cult of the dead. As they counted by nights and not days, the eve of Halloween this month was called by contraction of "All Halloows'Eve" or "All " Hallows'day " in English," Eve of All Saints', the eve of all saints. It is far from meaning today in this celebration.
" November, the month of fogs, heated and cooled from the front from behind. "or" In mid-November last, he may wind and snow! "We will formerly St. Martin Nov. 11, a date that takes two or sometimes Three days before the resumption sweet and cold weather. With the new moon on the lunar node 6 and 9, we can not hope to have a good summer this year from St. Martin. Unless these are sweet days between the peak of the cycle of the moon on the 15th and full moon, 21. Anyway, if this happens it will not last: "summer of St. Martin lasts three days and a bit " and "If the winter is going his way right You will have the St. Martin, and if he finds some crowded, you will have the holy Andre. " When winter arrives it is in no hurry to St. Andrew . "
Among the popular festivals in November, I will mention before ending the Saint Catherine because we know that from this day" every tree takes root . This year we will be more than ever in good times because that date marks the beginning of a waning moon and waning moon after the node 24. "Between Catherine and knotted, all wood is good to plant . It will be good times until 6 December to prune rose bushes and fruit trees, and planting.
More than ever we must be careful. Good advice: an apple every morning, a rennet of the Cevennes is even better! For " apple in the morning keeps the doctor away .

Jean Mignot
in the evening of October 31, 2010, where the darkness after the time change, become heavier as the day and under a deluge that came down for two days our region of Uzes and the Cevennes.


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