Thursday, September 30, 2010

Clothing Rod Distance From Wall

chronicle the weather and the seasons, holidays and sayings traditions

about October 2010

following October. It is time for nostalgia. The light becomes oblique. The morning mist or the evening creating an atmosphere of sweetness and is conducive to inner peace. Summer is behind us. It's time for ultimate flares. The leaves begin to swirl sadly. Planting begins. The sun leaves the northern hemisphere and loses its force. The off-season moves. The beauty of the countryside with rich colors encourages meditation.

" The wind will crack the branches
The fog comes in his white robe
Will leaves everywhere
Lying on the rocks
held October revenge
The sun will come out just
Our bodies will hide under bits of wool
Lost in your scarves
You think tonight
October asleep fountains "

sings so Francis Cabrel .

The bacchanalia of the Romans and Greeks who celebrated the god Dionysus or Bacchus harvest, are gone, removed by the Council of Constantinople, because too marked by too many excesses.

The Egyptians celebrated them, "Day stick sun." Personified by the god Ra, the setting sun on the horizon since the autumnal equinox, was supposed need support!
The moon, which always gives us a good indication of the time as we saw in September will be down from 1st to 12th of this month. Do not confuse, I repeat once again waning moon (the circle of light from the moon becomes smaller every day) and downlink (ie, day after day it is further down towards the horizon). This will be the perfect time to set up the bulbs for next spring for transplanting biennials that you have sown in August to install the gooseberries and raspberries, to open holes for November or December, after St. Catherine's, fruit trees you want to plant. Waning moon, the earth absorbs more organic fertilizers, rooting is better partly because plant sap goes down: "In October who smokes nothing gained." Tree leaves deprived of this food will fall. On 1 October for the feast of St. Remi, the fifth-century aristocrat, born in Laon and became Bishop of Rheims, not only " At St. Remy heat is finite but" At St. Rémy to sow one must have finished . "It is a time favorable initial sizes or pre-sizes, especially for hedges. We must quickly gather the last fruits, apples, pears and quinces before the first frost, which inevitably occur after the full moon of 23, and the lunar node 28, in rising moon. It is advisable to do so by 5 " At the St. Placide orchard is empty. This saint is a victim of hackers that were rampant in the Mediterranean and the coast of Sicily in the sixth century. October is a period of heavy work in the fields: " October the valiant, the peasant overwork." We're from St. Michael in September in the new agricultural year.

The new lunar month is 6 with a curve to the lunar perigee. It is never a good time for the weather. The coefficient is quite high tides on the 8th with over 111/112. Sayings also redoubling of caution and observe the weather will do. 7 for the St. Sergius' At St. Sergius, buy your clothes of serge . As for Saint Denis, first bishop of Paris, celebrated on 9 is a "day Ajet , a "Day of fate" or "male day" which gives us an indication of the coming winter: "Look carefully before and after the St. Denis days: if you see it freezes white, old assure always the same time that you remember for one, two, or three months . This is corroborated by several other sayings " Rain at St. Denis, Winter rotten" or " if it's fine to Dionysius the winter will be over soon " and also "A Dionysius the wind makes its nest "or more, and we can be feared: " When it rains in the St. Denis River nine times out of bed" . On 10 October for the St. Ghislain, the apostle of Hainaut, invoked against epilepsy, " Dry weather in Saint Ghislain, we announced a winter full of water " or " Mists of October, rain November, December are all good . Everyone can find his account or to interpret its own way!

For lovers of mushrooms, if the fall and October are good times for their pick, it must until after 12. Fungi are emerging in new moon (6), especially if it is curved upward, they push towards the 5th day, soft and fleshy (the moon will be rising on 12, which is a good sign), and will be magnificent full moon of 23 or shortly before. After they dry out.

October, as most months of our calendar was not only his trademark with the Romans, where he was the 8th month of the year, but it is also marked, at least in France and all countries that have adopted the reform "Gregorian" when she was establishment, by the fact "historical" which was deleted with one stroke of pen, ten days of October 1582, between 5 and 15 of that year. We then noted a significant discrepancy of 10 days in the calendar "Julian" and this had an effect on the date of Easter as it had been fixed by the Council of Nicaea in 325. Hence a range of impacts on other parties. After long discussions and endless palaver, on the basis of scientific calculations of Christopher Clavius and said Clavio Aloisius Lilio Lilius said, it was decided to make up this gap, removing ten days of calendar. The bull "Inter extremely serious" of 24 February 1582, Gregory XIII (the bubbles of the Popes do not wear that on matters of dogma!) Fixed this adjustment between 4 and 15 October 1582. The problem for both genealogists and for historians is that all countries have adopted the reform on the same day or the same month and thus, ten calendar days, the pace of implementation dates application of these adjustments nothing has happened since those days never existed. What complicates even more!

The Protestant countries Orthodox or Muslim n'appliquèrent not this reform because it came from a pope. " Protestants prefer to disagree with the Sun only in agreement with the Pope. "wrote the scientist Kepler. And Voltaire said: "It is better wrong against the Pope that reason with him."

In Italy, Spain, Portugal and its colony in Brazil, Poland and Austria, these ten days were dropped from the schedule applied between 5 and 15 October . In France, the letters patent of King Henry III imposed the implementation of the reform in December 1582 and December 9 to December 20 we passed, which explains the famous saying of the holy Luce which I have often talked about that before the December 23 solstice then fixed to 24 December passed December 13. Do not look in the history of France what happened between those two dates, or dates of birth of your ancestors or other events affecting for that year.

This reform since it is well justified to refer the closest to the race the sun which governs our days and nights, because of entry into force on dates very different and I'll spare you the list, led a series of anomalies, the most evocative is the date of death of Cervantes and Shakespeare the same April 23, 1616. But Spain and England did not refer to the same schedule so they are not in fact died the same day.

That is our true example of speaking even in Russia the October Revolution which took place in November. It yet because of differences in dates between the Catholic and Orthodox ceremonies, Christmas and Easter. In his essays, Montaigne mentions the difficulties his contemporaries tried to move gradually to the new calendar.

Fortunately the Gregorian calendar is rarely used retroactively. In history, we refer to the calendar "Julian" for the period before 1582. Thus, in most cases, dates for events before the official adoption of the "Gregorian" calendar are dates calendar "Julian".

I note only that the calculations yet so precise learned authors of "Gregorian" calendar, still has a "slight" error because they have neglected the application of decimals. Every 400 years there is a gap of 0.12, which combined, will eventually make a full day ahead in 4915! It will remember is not it! despite the implementation of the system of leap day of February comes, according to a complicated rule, correct calculations. Complicated because it is not routinely every four years, I have argued in particular for 2000. In fact to avoid this difficulty, it currently operates to adjustments of the official time on the night of 31 December and 1 January to try to keep up with the sun. This has happened in previous years. It is true that that night we often think of something else!

October is still time change the night of October 30 this year, which will plunge us even faster in the winter night now very close, which justifies the notorious Halloween night, which I refer to my earlier columns.

In those days as the famous Microsoft announces the programmed death of his since 2008 Windows XP will no longer be sold preinstalled. But do not panic ... it continues to function well again and for some years.

This is what I wanted to tell you about this in October 2010. Tomorrow begins the long days of October so not sung Anne Vanderlove:

Dry leaves crackle in the streets
The wind is dancing, whirling
The long days of October and farandole
The long days of October have returned

The wind is dancing, whirling,
We will go into the woods to pick leaves ,
Wild geese fly strips,
The long days of October are in!
This afternoon we saw on the news of the flights on the Camargue flamingos. They can not read the calendar, it is "Julian" or "Gregorian", "lunar" or "solar". There are signs that do not lie!

So I would strongly recommend to plan ahead for the days that come with this old proverb from noon: "my Oou October, GE's raoubo that do Trobe" basically if you don ' What did not you dress to protect yourself from the cold that will inevitably happen, take your provisions!


Jean Mignot September 30, 2010


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