Monday, January 31, 2011

Do I Weigh More After Coffee

chronicle the weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

the month of February 2011

Running time is punctuated from the earliest ages by attempts to measure it, so you know where you are, and in particular to determine all kinds of deadlines, including the taxes and other taxes which have always been among the arguments put forward to justify the endless calculations. The month of February, reminds us in its original calculations these scholars whose aim was to coincide with the passage of time including the path of the sun which governs our days and nights and the travel of the moon has so much influence on our lives and nature.
In an attempt to bring closer to the time of the race the sun and the moon in an Etruscan king Tarquin, it lasted two months of the first calendar year of Romulus that n 'included in that 10 to 304 days. This first gave a sort of months at the time called Hybrid Mercedonius and the various reforms that followed made it our January and February.
Why twelve rather than ten? Apparently it's reference to the fact that there are twelve passages of the moon on a solar year.
From these successive reforms we still leap years. The year 2011 was not of these I will not elaborate further explanation. But I would remind all these stages and these scientific calculations that have marked our journey time over the centuries and which led to the creation of February, to be as close as possible to the length of the path of the sun.
As well as these calculations are accurate rebuked those scholars of the Egyptians and Babylonians, among others, there was still a degree of error of 11 minutes and 14 seconds. The addition of February and leap day, had not filled the gap that was already three days in the fourth century. The Council of Nicaea in 325 asked two astronomers, both bishops in Alexandria, Theophilus and his nephew Cyril to establish tables that would fix the date of Easter. This date determines the entire liturgical calendar and had a considerable importance, it still retains in part on our agenda today. It was important that its celebration be closer to the actual date but drifts training in their race. In 525 Pope John 1 st asked Father Dionysius Exiguus better known by the name Denis the Little, to redo the calculations. He said the previous work and occasionally it also fixed the date to December 25 Christmas day after the winter solstice then fixed by the calendar "Julian" December 24.
rules established for the different dates with a few mistakes, even very low drift continued. In 1200 Conrad of Strasbourg said that the winter solstice has lost 10 days from Julius Caesar.
A little later, the Englishman Robert Grosseteste, a canon of Paris in the aptly named, reckoned that they would add one day every 304 years. He proposed to calculate Easter with a vernal equinox on March 14 instead of 21 March. Another Englishman, Johannes Sacrobosco, commonly called John Hollywood or John of Halifax wrote a treatise " of Anni ratione " in which he proposes to delete one day every 288 years. Proposal without further action. In the middle of the thirteenth century Roger Bacon, a Franciscan, vehemently calls for reform by going directly to the Avignon Pope Clement IV, who dies without having made a decision. In 1345 Clement VI in Avignon elected decides undertake reform. Among specialists and scholars whom he addresses, history has retained John of Meurs and Firmin Belleval offering in a letter "Epistola super reformatione antiques kalendarii" (letter on reform of the old calendar) to remove a certain number of days in a given year and thereafter, removing any one day the 310 years. This reform does not live the day.
At the Council of Constance in 1417, Cardinal d'Ailly, addressed to his peers a "super Exhortatio correctione calendarii" (Exhortation to the resumption of the schedule) by repeating the arguments of Grosseteste of Sacrobosco and Bacon. In 1436 the astronomer Nicolas Curse offers and also without success a new reform. In 1514 Pope Leo X asked the Dutch bishop Paul of Middelburg, astronomer, to chair a commission to the amendment of the calendar. The various rulers consulted did not meet the requested opinion, the reform was abandoned. Letters exchanged by members of this committee fall into the hands of a Germano-Polish astronomer, Nicolas Copernicus, one of the greatest geniuses of his time. Its hard work we must remember this: land is a single planet orbiting the sun and the rotation is done in 365, 2425 days . This work will play a major role in the reform called "Gregorian . The Council of Trent (1545-1553) addresses the issue of further drift from the date of Easter, without providing a solution, but he asked the Pope Gregory XIII (Ugo Boncampagni), to undertake further studies. In 1582 a doctor Luigi Calabrese Lilio astronomer and a Jesuit Bavarian Christophorus Clavius, reach conclusions either by Luigi Livio who died before 1576, but by his brother Antonio, himself a physician and astronomer, the reform commission, chaired by Cardinal Guglielmo Sirleto. A summary of these findings " compendium is subject to political figures because they are the ones who should take steps to implement reform. Gregory XIII, February 24, 1582, sign the bubble Inter extremely serious " which establishes the calendar that bears his name" Gregorian " and is still in force today as most universally recognized and applied as closest race time. All other schedules contain provisions which involve additional days or months, as our month of February, except the purely lunar calendar, but are now completely out of step with the seasons. In 1603, Clavius publish a document of 600 pages that will give all the explanations for the implementation of this calendar restored under Pope Gregory XIII "Romani calendarii has Gregorio XIII Pontifice maximo restitutive EXPLANATION. You want to say whew! I wanted to remember the names of all those scholars who have contributed their calculations on the stroke of time to establish a schedule that is a true and fair reference because their name is forgotten and we selected only Julius and Gregory ..!
I'll spare you the details of the implementation of this reform in France than in other countries. Yet it will still come back to these long and complex calculations because year "Gregorian" is too long 0000.3 days. In three thousand years it will be necessary again, to adjust our schedule. There will therefore still more reforms that will be required in February or at any other time of year.
How do you think it is not so! The moon goes around the earth on an elliptic curve that runs in 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2 seconds , showing us his face in phases, new moon, the crescent and full moon. This is the synodic revolution. The Babylonians had made over the duration of this course an error of 0.00005 days! This curve rises and falls around the earth. This is called the sidereal revolution which lasts 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 seconds . This curve it away or closer to the earth, perigee or apogee and puts 27 days 13 hours, 18 minutes and 33 seconds between two consecutive passages at the same point. That revolution anomalistic. When the race of the moon around the earth intersects the Earth's orbit, there are lunar node and between two lunar nodes are happening 27 days, 5 hours, 5 minutes and 36 seconds.
Regarding the sun, which determines the day and night, there is first a rising curve, that is to say it is increasingly high in the sky, between December 21 and 21 June, when the days pass with a duration of 8:10 am to 16h 07. This is the period when the earth is warming, where the days are getting longer. This is the time of planting, seedlings, transplanting, shaping the earth. After the summer solstice, the sun goes down curve of each day a little more towards the horizon. Its warm rays become drying. The days are getting shorter. The sap flow subsides. It is the harvest time. The earth has depleted what she gave. It will make inputs of compost, manure and fertilizer. It is the tropical year. We should also mention that the sidereal year is slightly different depending on the position of the sun against the stars on the celestial sphere, and its place in the constellations of the zodiac. And all this is combined with the curve of the moon , up and down repeatedly every month. To be complete and understand how it is very difficult to predict, including the time, we must also say it will take 235 lunar months, that is to say 19 years for solar as the moon is reflected in the same configuration as compared us. This cycle was studied by a Greek mathematician, Meton, who gave his name to this cycle.
To end this long series of enumerations I recall the fact that the equinox itself is not always at the same time as we think. This year 2011 the vernal equinox is March 20 but it will be September 23. It happened that this equinox falls on March 19, and it will happen in 2044. On March 21 this only happened twice in 2003 and 2007. Not to mention the appointment of the sun and moon and thus eclipses!

We face a perpetual race time, race or after the time that will never end. As Charles Aznavour sings so well on a pace that never ends ...:
" time a day, a second time, the running time, or one that growls, time spent, who will be born, time to love and lost, the time for tears, time lucky, dying time, vacation time, the weather glorious, time pre-war time games, the time for business time happy, time lies, the chilly weather and time of dreams, the time of flood, the time for follies, lost time, time of life, the time just never stops, and I know that life is the time of each other's time, yours, mine, ours can become ... time .. time ... ! "

February comes from the Latin" februar "that is to say" cleanse. " If today was baptized our second month of the year we would look for something around the word flu which would not look the best! We did not call so that these fevers because bitter cold hit the population of Rome. This is more fevers but the flu that we maintain the daily media. Flu or gastroenteritis is seasonal and fashion.
Among the Romans it was the month of purification ritual. Hence the origin of the feast of the Purification ritual of the Jewish religion as the parents of Jesus scrupulously respected. It became for Christians the feast of Candlemas or the Purification and the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. We made the feast of the Revelation of Light of the World. This light is symbolized by the candles and also by the pancake as the cake symbolizes the sun reborn. Here we go again right in the remains of these pagan festivals that since the Sainte Luce dot the calendar of celebrations which are intended to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness.
These last days of January, the Greeks celebrated the god Pan who was known to terrorize the countryside s and seduce women. His appearance, Actual or supposed, triggered a general flight: the "panic ." This is the etymology of the word. In Rome, on the same register, we organized the Lupercalia, feasts dedicated to the she-wolf who raised Romulus and Romus, celebrations of fertility. Romans assembled in the streets with torches, to eat cereal cakes in honor of Persephone.
Pope Gelasius in 492, tried to end the orgies in which these celebrations degenerated and substituted for the feast of Lupercalia purification. He had the idea then distribute the cakes to hungry pilgrims came to Rome. They were called the "forgotten". These are the ancestors of our pancakes Candlemas. And our candles of Candlemas, are probably the ancestors whose Roman torches were lit.
Also included in this feast of Candlemas, distant memories of the festivals of purification of the Celts, who winter drawing to a close, celebrated the water purification to ensure fertility and fertility with the return of life in the late winter. It was the feast Imbolc.
It is also possible to make a rapprochement with the Roman Parentalia , that is to say, the annual festival in honor of the dead, during which we watched in lighting up candles and torches Pluto and honoring the gods. Hence perhaps this old tradition to keep the candles blessed at Candlemas, in order to turn them on to the dead in our families, or to turn them on when there is a storm of lightning to preserve .... ;!
These reminders and interpretations deserve research depth and developments that can do this column already long!
February, in terms of time, is the month of turning the most dangerous " February, the shortest month is the worst of all at once. " Or:" February, of every month, the coldest, most cunning ". And : "February turns his cap to seven hits, seven strokes behind!" What will happen on February 2 as the proverb says: "A Candlemas, winter stops or takes discipline." Everything could still change February 3 as it will be day of new moon: "At the St. Blaise, winter subsides, but if it doubles again and, for long he does. "
These sharp falls and the temperature rises, causing considerable damage vegetation. The temperature differences between day and night kill plants and trees. Thus, February 2, 1956, in the south, olive trees froze. We must explain that he had very mild in the day, 18 degrees. The sap of the trees had begun to rise. At night the temperature fell sharply to minus 20 degrees. The trunks of olive trees broke under the frost ... "That night they heard the screaming olive! ..."
In fact, it is better fulfill its February contract and is bad because if it is not, we will suffer the consequences throughout the year: "February too soft spring Wrath"; Or: "When the wind forgets February, she arrived in May " And also:" If févrière February do not, any month of the year or less will do! "
In our race after time, we will probably pause Valentine on 14 because it will be close to full moon arrives at its perigee on 18, 19. This could be the spring of Valentine or otherwise, a period of bitter cold. Difficult to be more nuanced and careful! And we will celebrate, especially on the side of Roquemaure Rhone in Provence.
Just a little humor with history, the "story" as they say, because we'll make pancakes. It is said that in 1812, at Candlemas, Napoleon 1 st had wanted to make pancakes and fry them. That was before the Russian campaign. And according to the tradition, it brings good luck to him he blew into the pan. But he missed the fifth. A few months later, smoking in front of Moscow, he told Ney: "This is my fifth pancake!".
I agree it was rather that day a matter of timing, time and moon!

A Diou SIAS!

Jean Mignot
Au 31 du mois de janvier 2011
                                                                                                                                                             Pridie Kalenda Februarias

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Online Temperature Annealing Calculator

Ravi correspond with you

Hello very expensive
How are what you wear? I hope that while this will seem strange to you that you will read me without knowing me but no one knows what life holds for us as a surprise and also for me friendship is the only channel , which does not hurt the wrist, it is indeed within the guidelines of thoughts that I have writing because I'm single and no way and if by chance you know me well, this is dependent on you after researching the net I came to retrieve you from so many places on the net if not in archives anywhere. I'm Canadian. My name is Aurélie Yuen. I'm 26 and I'm single, I am also looking for my soulmate because I'm afraid to love again because I have lived enough disappointment in my life. I've wrote in message only order to correspond with you and to arrive at a serious meeting and who knows if more affinity Please kindly reply on this e-mail: aurelie and I promise you answer

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Letter Format For Disconnection To Telephone Line

Soon additional funding for the Project for Capacity Building in Governance by the World Bank.

- (begin text) .- The Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi received this Saturday, January 22, 2011 in his study a World Bank delegation led by the Team Leader Governance, Public Sector Reform and Capacity Building Africa Region, Mr. Tony Verheijen . The purpose of this visit to review the implementation of the Project for Capacity Building in Governance, MDP in initials on which the Minister of Decentralisation is guardianship.
Also, after the request of the Minister of Finance requesting additional funding for the MDP to the World Bank, to discuss with Minister Mbusa Nyamwisi modality that may allow the provisions to this additional funding to the project to good and is fully implemented.

far in three provinces, Bandundu, South Kivu and Katanga, the World Bank in its support the process of decentralization in the Democratic Republic of Congo has just decided on the request of the Minister of Decentralization Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi , broaden its scope to the fourth province of Kasai Occidental one.
Asked whether the work done so far by the MDP was it satisfactory to the World Bank, Tony Verheijen served the press at the end of the hearing that "if it is expected to benefit resources in this project, it demonstrates the confidence of the World Bank in the project and the team managing this project. "

to know also that after the request of the Minister of Finance, it takes at least fifty million U.S. dollars for the additional funding from the Capacity Building Project in Governance in initials MCSP. "The World Bank is reviewing the request to fix a definitive" said Team Leader Governance, Public Sector Reform and Capacity Building of the World Bank Africa Region .- (End text) -minidecat/samedi, January 2011 .-

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Red White Audio Cable To Headphone

Cher (e) Member

Cher (e) Member

Hello, Mr / Ms & Miss

We are pleased to announce that through this letter that you were designated winner (s) of the great free raffle

Please find the winning notification in file attached to this message.

For further information on the recovery of gain, we kindly ask to contact with the judicial officer who had supervised this by specifying your lottery winning code.

maitre_renaud.brinquier @ one.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Deborah Sampson One Accomplishment


Dear (e) winner (s)
We send you to mail to inform you that you're happy (to) win (e) of the MICROSOFT LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL on the sum of 250,000 euros .
To withdraw your winnings, please contact the office of Master Jerome Perret mail.
For more information please kindly read the message attachments.
Director of Operations

How Long Can Gingerbread Dough Keep

Another step in the rehabilitation of administrative buildings in Katanga Province!

(begin text) .- After starting the rehabilitation of some government buildings the city of Lubumbashi in April last year, the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi personally conducted the formal handover of the rehabilitated buildings in the Provincial Government of Katanga.
This building houses the Division of Interior and customary business, Budget Division, Finance Division, Public Service Division, which had once reached a very advanced state of disrepair when ripe and the pavement had already lost their color to choose it from moisture. Bat, gecko, bad weather could enter without concern.

Financing up to 400 thousand U.S. dollars by the World Bank through the Project for Capacity Building in Governance of the Ministry of Decentralization, rehabilitation of government buildings and provincial divisions of Katanga in Lubumbashi was achieving by consulting firm ARCO.
The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Governor of the Province, Mr YAV Tshibala accompanied by his Interior Minister Jean-Marie Dikanga Kazadi, the Provincial Coordinator of the MDP / Erick Lwamba Katanga and the head of ARCO research department that conducted the work.

The highlight of the ceremony was the ribbon cutting by His Excellency the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi marking the official handover of the buildings in the Katanga Provincial Government represented by Vice- governor.

advantage of his stay in the capital, copper, Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development closed the training session for officers DRKAT on tax and revenue mobilization technique. Funding from the World Bank through the Project for Capacity Building in Gou0vernance, this training took a month was as modules: taxation, audit techniques, audit and penalties.

Of 146 registered for this training, 142 were present including 23% women. It should be noted that only 140 have taken part in the consideration control organized by the CEPETEDE to sanction the end of this training.

After the words uttered by the representative of the Centre for Development of Technical Development (CEPETEDE) and the Provincial Coordinator of the MDP / Katanga, Minister of Decentralisation and Regional Planning conducted the ceremony for the winners Patents .- (End text) .-minidecat/vendredi, January 14, 2011 .-

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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From Bea & Aka Prince.


Without doubt, I know that this message was a surprise for you
, but the reason for your help emergency. I'm
Aka Miss Bea, the daughter of former Chief Financial
Sierra Leone Diamond Corporation
Mr.Marcus Aka, who was assassinated by rebel forces
loyal to Sankoh Forday at the height of the civil war
in our country Sierra Leone. Before my father

died, he gave our mother a
certificate of deposit for a secret deposit of the $ 15,000,000.00
$ million. My mother, who died later
hypertension six months after the death of my father on his sick bed
told me to collect the documents
and submit to the finance company,

If she ends up dying and sure source of trust
and reliable partner for foreign help to re
Cuper money from the financial firm of his country
board after me and my little brother (the prince) will join the person for
placement of funds for
good company and continue our studies.

This was for my father before his death.
and I handed the documents to the finance company and they are waiting for
the foreign partner of our coordinated
late father ofdetails, it is also
compliance with the agreement of my late father went into the financial company
whendepositing money will be transferred & # 233; Res
to recipient countries,

that describe all the names in the financial undertaking.
For this reason, you are prompted to provide your contact details we
willsubmit the company
Financing transfer money. You can also warn
money pending when
me and my younger brother to join you for
investment and to continue our studies.

You have 10% of the total and 40 shares
% of the activity will be yours. Please do not expose this
transaction because it is a lot of bad things that
happening in the world.
we trust and hope that youwill not the registered money
when it transferred to your country before arriving in your country

May God bless you for helping us.
& Bea Aka Prince