Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mylanta For Stomach Flu

chronicle the weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions

the month of April 2010

Until the order or decree in 1564 in Roussillon - Roussillon en Isère-April began the year with hence its name from the Latin verb "Nero StartSmart" . April shares with particularity in February to take its name from a verb and not a duty to a god or a place in the calendar as the other ten months of the year. The Edict of Roussillon becomes applicable only very gradually, first because it took time for it to be communicated to the provinces but also because the habit was taken here and there to start the year, according to local customs and festivals on dates different. Sometimes Christmas, Easter now, or March 25 as in Vienna, or March 1.

The Christmas bonus that was accustomed to exchange earlier this year, were transformed into false messages, false gifts. This is the origin of our "April Fools . There are other interpretations I already had the opportunity to develop in previous years. This time I'll stick to it.

April while new is not really quite beautiful. It is a month versatile and despite the schedule is still largely the winter cold and whose passengers often pursing, are particularly unwelcome as we hoped to have finished with them, especially after the last days of March, the famous " vaqueirieu " which this year have been marked by falls in temperature and weather, as I have them advertised. Hence the saying: " It is so nice in April, which has its coat of sleet. "Sometimes the snow added to the pellets," It is not so beautiful in April, which has snow on his hat . "We in the region we had sleet and snow on our mountains, hail and thunderstorms in the lowlands.

This refill of winter, it is difficult to accept without recrimination, we must urge caution: " In April, do not discover a wire . "Or:" the one who lightens before the month of May, certainly do not know what he did. "

Easter is usually in April. We must remember the original because I heard yet this week and many well-meaning adults ignore completely respectable, not the significance of this day but the reason for the date variable. Christian Easter come from the Jewish holiday commemorating the exodus from Egypt and crossing the Red Sea or more precisely to the 10th of wounds received from Jehovah on Egypt: the extermination of all newborns. Every Jewish family following divine instructions, had to sacrifice a lamb and mark the doorposts of the houses with the blood of the lamb for the exterminating angel saves the chosen people, and marked with the seal of the Lamb. It is the feast of Passover.

We note, in the Cevennes, as it is in reference to this sign, that the fire marshal Montrevel, unable to overcome the insurgency Camisards, was forced to mark Cévenols the entrance to their home a cross in order to signify their adherence to Catholicism to avoid that their home is destroyed, demolished or burnt and the population deported. Look above the doors of houses Cevennes. We still see these crosses, often whitewashed.

It was during this Jewish holiday there took place the Passion and death of Christ. Passover begins on the 15th day of Nisan, and lasts eight days, according to the Hebrew calendar which is based on a lunar base. This year is March 29 to April 5. Hence the discrepancy with our schedule. Very often in April Easter can also be in March. During For centuries the date of Easter was very uncertain and even at different times in different regions or countries. At the eleventh century they were going to start the year at Easter, giving years of variable duration because Easter is a movable feast. After three centuries of controversies, including questions related to fluctuations in the timing and the difficulty to match the lunar cycle, solar cycle and seasons, the date of Easter was set by the Council of Nicaea in 325 " the first Sunday following the fourteenth day (the only moon) reaching that age to 21 March (day of the equinox) or immediately after . So Easter is celebrated between March 22 and April 25. This year so it Sunday, April 4.

The mobility of this festival, relative is determined by a very long and learned calculation called " the computation. It determines the dates of feasts of Ascension and Pentecost, synonymous for many people outside their religious significance of holidays. What complicates our various organizations. The debate is still relevant. It must be said here, even if only to shed some light on the question, Easter Monday, nor on Whit Monday, has any religious basis, otherwise they are just after major holidays.

These modulations of the date, linked to the cycle of the moon and sun, may explain the weather is an almost immutable Holy Week, or beautiful and windy Monday we arrive at Thursday and Friday, often rainy or stormy, followed by Sunday and Monday almost always disturbed and sometimes cold. That is what will happen to the first week of April, with a fall pronounced temperatures but still rather nice cool weather on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. At least for us in the afternoon. Has not done bad time for Christmas? " warm Christmas, Easter at the embers " This saying is there truth in the other direction? We will be soon!

April 14 will begin the new moon which is called Red Moon . The name of this lunation, which begins in April and became full either before the end of this month or in early May. This year April 14 to May 14 It was during this period that are the saints of ice and their influence is all the more reason to fear that it will coincide with the lunar cycle. Because if we speak of influence, it is that of the moon and not brave saints who are in no way for any sayings that we predict as misfortune or happiness ... as I have already written .

Consider: "Red Moon empty purse " " red moon, nothing grows " " jelly red moon vine ruin the shoot "" Harvest is not satisfied that the red moon is gone " . And much more!

But why red? Because it scorches ups by an explanation that I draw from this historical anecdote. The scientist Laplace that led a delegation of scientists from Louis XVIII, had been stung by a question from the King on this subject: "I am glad to see you gathered around me , told the King members who compose a deputation from the Board of Longitude that went to present the "Knowledge of time and directory, because you will explain clearly what is that red moon and its mode of action on crops . Laplace, who specifically addressed the sovereign, stood aghast as, while he who had written on the moon, had in fact never thought about the red moon. He consulted his neighbors look but, seeing no one willing to speak, he determined to answer himself: "Sire , the red moon has no place in astronomical theories, and we are therefore unable satisfy the curiosity of Your Majesty. "

the evening in the salons during the game, King pokes fun at a lot of embarrassment in which he had put members of its Board of Longitude. Laplace learned and came to ask if he could enlighten Arago on the famous red moon that was the subject of so unpleasant time. Arago went to information from the gardeners of the Botanical Gardens and other farmers, and this is the result of his investigations that the great scientist was then drafted and have been published by Flammarion in the book "Popular Astronomy":

" In the nights of April and May, the temperature of the atmosphere is often only 4, 5 or 6 degrees Celsius above zero. When this happens, the temperature of plants exposed to light of the moon, that is to say to a clear sky may fall below zero, notwithstanding the indication of the thermometer. If the moon, in contrast, does not shine, if the sky is overcast, the temperature of the plants do not fall below that of the atmosphere, there will be no frost, unless the thermometer does has scored zero for other reasons. It is true, as the gardeners say, with all such circumstances thermometer, a plant may be frozen or will not be, depending on whether the moon is visible or hidden by clouds, so gardeners are wrong it is only in the conclusions: it is in giving effect to the light of the star. The moonlight is here that the index of a serene atmosphere, is due to the purity of the sky that night freezing plant occurs, the moon only unhelpful, it is lying or on the horizon The phenomenon also occurs. The observation of the gardeners was incomplete, it wrongly assumed that the false . "

scholars come here to rescue the popular wisdom that had made similar comments in a long time! Without the show by statistics!

On April 28 we will observe the full moon on April 28 and I bet he will then have to be vigilant at least on our plants and fruit trees because there is a lunar node 20 and that our beautiful girlfriend will be very close to us perigee 24, ... I remember, despite those who do not find a scientific explanation, that the lunar node is when the curve of the moon intersects the ecliptic plane, that is to say transverse plane on which the sun moves. These moments are often times of disturbances to which the plants are particularly susceptible. Plantings made during these moments give sterile seeds. We also find that the sky is often white "soft". It is these effects that are feared when the saints of ice at the point of having created much of sayings and proverbs. Of course the method of observation not based on data recorded in beautiful statistical tables on our computers. Yet I am sure that if we consistently noted the weather was the same periods, noting the good positioning of the lunar cycle, we easily verify that the observations of our ancestors who brought them to "invent" sayings have a real statistical value, even scientific, just as valid as the more serious studies. Complexity of a study to .. .. ! especially as the cycle of the moon, as the Metonic cycle no longer occurs under the same conditions as all nineteen years. So there for years where these sayings can not be verified.

" frosts of the red moon, burn the plant grows " or " Harvest is not satisfied that the red moon has passed "And the sayings like everything and its opposite, which can be explained by the fact that the cycle of the moon is up roughly every nine years:" the red moon gives all, or it removes all. What she gives birth she will feed him, she finds she strangle "

I hope that with these explanations, friends' Paris" or elsewhere, you will do more confusion between the red moon of April and the beautiful moon-colored red orange you see rising to the fine summer evenings. De Lune Rousse there can be only that which is after Easter as I try to explain, because of the effects that occur at this time, effects that have nothing to do with " radiation "of the moon, because" radiation "of the moon there is no.

With Red Moon here Saints ice. The first list is Saint Georges, April 23. This saint is indeed accompanied by a litany of proverbs and sayings about rain. "Rain of St. George, cutting the cherries in the throat! "" If it rains in St. George, a hundred cherries, remain four. "or:" If it rains the holy Georgeau, there will be cherries or cherries.

Anyway, come rain or shine, for St. George should put the "seed " ie eggs of silkworm, is called "the blind " because they don ' have no eyes, in incubators, and not as previously in a small bag hung under the petticoats of the ladies or in their bra ... small bag that slipped under the duvet at night from the conjugal bed. An old proverb Occitan, well known in the Cevennes, tells us that for the St. Mark will be too late. Oldest familiar with it, especially in Uzes, country of rearing silkworms, silkworm factories and mills, and where the inhabitants are called " débassaïres ", " makers of low " nickname justified by the number of these mills on the town! We need to raise silkworms, "the magnans ," especially when they are very small, very tender leaves. One can imagine then how easily these days frosts were dramatic for the "silkworm breeders" when the leaf of the mulberry trees, young and frail was scorched during this lunation. (It should be noted in passing that in the local vocabulary, we speak often of "the" leaf and non leaf ...)

St. Mark April 25, the four evangelists as concrete and more visual, with stories full of freshness, is always represented by a lion or a lion. It is the patron saint of notaries. " If it rains the day of St. Mark, the park will cover the cherries " or " At St. Mark if he falls of water, there will be no fruit knife" , Ie fruit whose skin is removed with a knife to eat ...

With his friends he completed the battalion of saints ice also called the holy Riders: " Marquet (Marc), Georget (Georges), and Philippet (Philippe) are three cups of thugs. . Saint Philip was formerly celebrated on May 1. Why thugs cup? Because the cold and hail these days is bad for the vine, so the wine, so the pitchers and goblets. It is still " Three saints whose beware ... And it will not be finished! It still takes on Saint Robert April 29: "jelly St. George, St. Mark, St. Robert, harvest in reverse. "It also says:" The rain of St. Robert, good wine will fill your glass. . So if it rains that day, all will not be negative cons ... By then it rains for the Saints following it will be different. April 30 to St. Eutropius (or too much And) " Saint Eutropius wet cherries crippled. "

And the litany of saints Ice will continue until May 14 in May, with the three most famous saints of this rimbambelle, Mamert, and Pankration Servais, from 11 May: "Three saint whose beware " because " Mamert, Servais and Pancras are the three ice saints . . Hence also the origin of Rogation prayers taking place three days before the feast of the Ascension, May 13 this year. From all that I have with you in my next column. Meanwhile, "Do not leave wool to take over " as they say in Gascony. Let's be careful!

A Diou SIAS!

Jean Mignot

On March 31, 2010


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