Friday, April 30, 2010

What Is The Best Dive Computer 2010

chronicle the weather and the seasons, festivals and traditions of the sayings

May 2010

"Winter is not over the moon April has not hustled us." This is the moon red moon cycle that began April 14, with fanfare, at least here in Uzes, with a beautiful storm and hail, then three days of fog, and then the beautiful weather, warm, what could we suggest that the good times had finally arrived. But I told you that the full moon of April 28 we could bring some surprises. Disturbances are advertised everywhere with the month of May, with the last ice saints of the series, promises to bad weather and much rain. The most knowledgeable observers and websites accessible to all of us, provide for, rain and falling temperatures. Can already be seen today. While my observations on the lunar cycle are not not always favorably, like last night, with a speaker on the basis of observations of sites such as NASA, tells us, in France, significant rainfall, and our south, something around 100mm of rain, while refusing to recognize a link with the lunar cycle. It accepts only the relationship moon and tide! Nevertheless, the observations of our elders who led them to invent sayings, although based on findings that reach a more scientific analysis. Why these "scientists" they refuse what is the fruit of experience and observation? Surprising while Claude Allegre maligned in his book, writes: " We have too many young scientists who are fascinated by the computer. They neglect the observation, reasoning, common sense. They prefer to speculation, the virtual, rather than observing the real " ... For two days the moon red carpet starts us with a wealth of saints and seems to give me reason!

For St. Philip and Jacques, once the May 1: "When it rains in St. Philip, n'apprête or barrel or pipe" ; Or still : "When it rains on the first day of May, cows lose half of their milk. " Also: " When May 1 rain anointed, there will not be any quince. For St. Jacques le Mineur on the same date: "If the Apostle Jacques cry, little remains of acorns." But a nice sunburn announces a beautiful harvest "The eve of St. Jacques, if you have the Easter sun, expects to harvest, the wheat will be thick and good" . The invention (discovery) by St. Helena, of the Holy Cross May 3: "Rain of the Holy Cross, scarcity of nuts" ; must now hasten to sow if we had not done so for crops this summer: " At the Holy Cross, sowing everywhere " . On May 6, St. John of the Latin Gate. - Ie the martyrdom of St. John the Evangelist before the Latin Gate in Jerusalem -: "If it rains the little St. John, every year it feels, to the great saint John " (June 24). Saint Antonin May 10: "It at St. Antoninus, that sells wine Evil. " And finally, St. Mamert May 11, St. Pancras and St. May 12 May 13 Servais three saints of the most famous ice which I will quote another proverb: "The three saints in blood turnip, Pankration, Mamert and Servais, are well appointed saints of ice! " saying attributed to Rabelais.

In the 5th century, major calamities had befallen the Rhone valley to the point that the bishop of Vienna, Mamert, (420-477) ordered prayers and litanies. These are the famous "Rogation " which were extended to all Christianity in 816, for three days before the feast of the Ascension. Ie this year on 10, 11 and 12 towards the end of the cycle of "red moon". Naturally, Mamert with his buddies and Servais Pankration is at the forefront of those famous "Ice Saints" dreaded!

" Beware Mamert St., St. Pancras and St. Servatius, for they bring a cool, And you would regret bitterly. "You know other sayings on them. Look no further than their names in the calendar, they were replaced by Estelle, Achilles and Roland, after the liturgical reform of Vatican II. Delete has not changed the time and the influences of the moon.

If you look at the history of the weather, or if your grandfather was noted over time, especially in areas where this period was of paramount importance, as with us because of the rearing silkworms, which require heat, but also fresh mulberry leaves, you will find that by the year 1897, for example, from 11 to May 13, he froze, and the damage was especially important as winter was Benin, and the vegetation was well underway! That year, Cher had been devastated. The vines were frozen and the potatoes, beans and strawberries. In Angers, the frost had destroyed crops in the south of the Loire, but spared those who were at the north of the river! In our region of the Gard mulberry leaves were frozen and had failed to feed silk worms ... It was a disaster. In our local history, we find everywhere traces of these gels due to the misdeeds of Saints ice, and the red moon.

Here is another story and further proof that this weather is not so new that in such periods.

On May 1, 1780, on the terraces of the palace of Sans Souci, the air was warm, the sun hot. Frederick the Great was walking and was surprised that the oranges were still locked. He sent his gardener, and ordered him to remove the trees. " But, Sir," objected the gardener, you will not be afraid to point the three ice saints? . The philosopher king laughed and repeated his order. Until May 10, all went well, but the day of St. Mamert, the cold came, the next day of St. Pancras, the temperature dropped further, and it froze sharply at night. The orange trees were severely damaged.

On May 13 it will be the Ascension, where we find the saying: "A Ascension ultimate thrill." Then we can really say: "In May he done what you like! " Oou of my Fai mai ti that playa! And "Who s'alaoujo before my lou May segur Nuon soou what Fai! "

ice or hail or cold, maybe not, but the weather this year, almost certainly, until 14, the day the new moon. Curiously we found for this day, the feast of St. Boniface: "On the Day of St. Boniface, any mud disappears. And for the holy Denise, May 15: "At Saint-Denis, finished the wind" or "In Saint Denis, the cold fact is more to his liking. "

We can then breathe and think about the best time. This morning I listened to a winemaker's corner said his concern for the coming days. Grape buds are hatched. We must eliminate those that do not bear fruit and pump as unnecessarily sap, without bearing fruit. These are "suckers . But we must carry out the hatch and protect others. It will surely be quiet from 25 for St Urban. (Take the link and you will find a link with the month of May and Labor Day!): "That St. Urbain has gone by, The grower is not assured. "

This month of May is eagerly awaited by all, for its festivals, holidays and for its for its bridges, and paid leave that you must use the balance to more earlier.

Many festivals that take place at the beginning of the month, are organized around the flowers and gardens, taking up the old Roman tradition of " floralia , three days when celebrated flowers. Women dressed bright colors. The animals have a reputation for erotic temperament were released into the streets and we had fun chasing them. We launched the seeds of peas, beans and lupins to encourage the blossoming of spring flora. One of our sayings we recommend for May 3: "For the Holy Cross, are sown peas.

We know that the feasts of Flora, suspended for years, were restored in 581 by order of the Roman Senate by the aedile Servilius, because the weather had made them suffer buds of trees and vegetables. Further evidence on the observations of the weather this period. There was no talk yet of the red moon neither saints ice.

the garden, trees should be monitored, because the bad weather and excess moisture promotes disease. It is a good time to treat and to mulch the strawberries to harvest healthy fruit and clean. We can prune the shrubs have flowered, and remove the stems crooked or poorly trained to give them a nice shape. Among other yard work ...!

I will not here the origin of our May 1 because we will hear and rehear it all day tomorrow, or even cause thrush. The media will remind us all that. By cons I would like to speak with an old custom of our ancestors, who wanted as May is the month where they held political meetings. It was first among the Franks, in March, a meeting of the warriors around their leader, in a place called "The Champ de Mars." If the speeches of leaders liked the warriors applauded, striking their shields with their Framee. Otherwise they choked his voice murmurs. The Framee have been replaced by the cries of our elected officials and the banging their desks in the assemblies. They often give us the show, particularly in the sessions live television on Wednesday afternoon. A fine example of behavior! I want to say also that the Franks, there was no question of absenteeism!

Under Charlemagne, the date of such meeting was postponed to May. The bishops, who under Clovis had been admitted to these meetings, soon assumed a leadership role, joining the power of the accounts and lords. The role of the warriors faded gradually. These assemblies disappeared at the end of the Carolingian Empire, "Fields of May" were replaced by "States General". We remember especially those of May 1302 under Philip the Fair and those of May 1789!

May holds the record not only of legal holidays and public holidays but it was in May that there are as many anniversaries, holidays or days devoted to such or such cases or more less important. At least 34 this month alone!

These range from very serious World Asthma Day , May 2 is the allergy season with pollen from plants trees and flowers, the day endangered species on 11, that the fight against homophobia on 17, through the European Day Sea 20, or by that of cultural diversity 21. I note again the noble cause of children missing on 25 or more original Towel Day on 25, Towel Day, which celebrates by wearing a towel mourning for the science fiction author Douglas Adams, or the more fanciful Day without pants on May 5 .. A certain idea of freedom, which dates back to the years 1985/1986, probably invented at the University of Austin, the day wearing the trousers, is banned, but the skirts, dresses and kilts shorts allowed. But yes! There are some very funny pictures on the internet on this subject. We should also mention earlier this month the feast of Beltaine great religious festival of the Celtic year, after which the festival of Samhain marks the end of the dark season (see Halloween in early November). Do not forget Day World Press Freedom May 3, or if serious Memorial Day the last Monday of May in the USA. The beautiful Neighbours Day on the last Tuesday of the month is May 26 this year, is becoming increasingly important. It is due to Atanase Périfan, who launched the idea in the 17th arrondissement of Paris in 1999. There is also the National Sorry Day , who is an Australian event to Arborigènes apology for the harm caused to their families. There is also the Cinco de Mayo in Mexico recalls the sad French expedition from Mexico, Kodomo no hi the Children's Day in Japan. Our Canadian friends have this month their Victoria Day! and I surely forget! Of course the Mother's Day who will be 30 months of this year.

again pleased that this long does not bring too many events that disrupt the flow of work and our lives! because then we could say that good Monsieur de La Fontaine and his cobbler:

"The trouble is that in the year, intermingle days
it must be unemployed. We ruin party.
One wronged the other and Mr. Cure
some new saint always loads his sermon. "

I remind you again that May 31, 1578, we laid the foundation stone of the bridge connecting both banks of the Seine, and builds on the tip of the island of city. It was raining hard that day. Henry III, who presided over the ceremony, was in tears. In the morning he had attended the funeral service given in memory of their favorite cute, and Quelus Maugiron, killed in a duel. Before this show Parisians then proposed to name the book: "Bridge of Tears " our Pont Neuf today. This bridge was designed to accommodate the houses. They were never built. Henri IV who resided at the Louvre, thought that a row of houses with latrines rear facade, disfigured eye. The vogue of this bridge, facilitating the movement was prodigious. Quickly invested by the hawkers, flower, songwriters and the cut-purses, pickpockets and sprightly girls, gave birth to the saying: "On the Pont Neuf encountered at any time: a monk, a white horse and a prostitute ..."

prettier Here again, although I already wrote last year in such chronic. In May 1654, Jacques de Ranchin, nephew of Ranchin Uzes, amazed to see Sylvie Rossel, the daughter of Claude Laudun out of the hotel Aigaliers fell in love immediately. Love at first sight we would say today! He wrote what was called Household "King of the triplets'

The first day of May
Was the happiest of my life.
I saw you I loved you,
The first day of May

The beautiful design that I conceived!
If you like this design Sylvie
The first day of May,
was the most happy with my life.

The next day he went to ask the hand of Madame Sylvie Aubarne Aigaliers, and May 24, 1654, although it is in bad taste to marry in May, the 'married in the temple of Uzes. It was a beautiful wedding that lasted a month.

Jean Mignot April 30, 2010


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