Friday, April 16, 2010

What Color Will My Baby's Hair Be Generator

Lubumbashi: Agents and officers of the State National School of Public Finance

(begin text) .- The Minister Decentralization and Regional Planning Antipas Nyamwisi just stay in Lubumbashi, where he had to take more active.

Arriving on Sunday evening in this city, capital of Katanga Province, Monday, April 12 is the Patron of the Decentralization has launched the training seminar in public finance in the presence of Governor Moses Katumbi Tchapwe and of the entire provincial executive at room Banquet Province governorate.

The seminar, held from 12 to 14 April 2010 and which was the basic training of cadres and state officials involved in the system of public expenditure by the National School of Finance is a provincial initiative funded by the World Bank through the Project for Capacity Building in Governance, Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Development.
Erick Lwamba, provincial coordinator of the MDP / Katanga during his speech, said the underlying motive of the seminar. For the latter, the issue was access to executives and state officials to master the fundamentals of public financial management. And to be well equipped to support the provincial institutions in the implementation of actions on land, these officers and executives of the state have benefited a full session of practical training from the top part of the National School of Finance for more visible results to improve the well being of Katanga.
Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi
who was accompanied by Vice Minister of Finance has Ngedza Mbitso Joash in his opening remarks encouraged the participants to take this training for them while stressing that this enhanced public financial management at provincial and local levels is a prerequisite for ensuring the delivery of utilities effectively and efficiently population. Nyamwisi urged participants to more diligently to be ready to assume the responsibilities related to the exclusive jurisdiction and even competing in accordance with the constitution must be sent to them.

Please find below the exclusive addresses by the Minister Mbusa Nyamwisi and the Provincial Coordinator of the MDP / Katanga, delivered at the opening of the seminar.

- Mr Vice-Minister of Finance

- The Governor of the Province of Katanga

- Honorable President of the Provincial Assembly

- Honorable Members Provincial

- Ladies and gentlemen Members of the Provincial Government

- Distinguished Heads of Agencies of the United Nations system

- Mr. Katanga Provincial Coordinator of MDP

- Distinguished Heads of provincial divisions

- Distinguished guests

- Ladies and Gentlemen

- Dear participants, let

- first of all I greet you and thank you for your presence enhanced the event despite your many occupations.

My thanks go first to the Provincial Government for hosting how warm we booked and then all the development partners and especially the Project for Capacity Building in Governance (MDP) and the International Development Association IDA for their material and financial support in organizing this seminar.

I can not end this without paying a thank-deserved tribute to his Excellency the President of the Republic, Joseph Kabila Kabange and his government led by Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito for their determination to bring to the act decentralization as enshrined in the constitution of 18 February 2006.

- Ladies and Gentlemen

- Distinguished guests

- Dear participants

I need not remind you that this seminar on capacity building is part of the implementation of decentralization. It reflects the willingness of all actors in the decentralization of power provide the provinces and ETD capabilities necessary to enable them to discharge their responsibilities effectively.

The ultimate goal of these meetings is to strengthen the capacity of the Provincial Government, decentralized services and the Committee of the ECOFIN Meeting Provincial in the management and control of public funds by providing basic training in public finance for the benefit of stakeholders in the system of expenditure at the province of Katanga.

Indeed, by its Constitution of 18 February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo has adopted decentralization as a way of managing their territory by providing the provinces and decentralized territorial entities, not only its own legal personality but also Finance distinct from that of the central government.

Several laws are being developed to enable the implementation of effective transfer of skills and responsibilities.

In the meantime, he observed a dysfunctional provincial institutions across the country. This is due partly to the lack of financial law adopted and secondly the lack of basic training in the development and budget monitoring on the part of leaders of provincial structures and Entities Decentralized Territorial.

Thus His Excellency the Prime Minister had proposed transitional management of public finance until all the legal architecture of decentralization including the financial law and the code on public procurement are available.

These measures should be taken as orders:

- determining the functions of provincial departments;
- establishing the Provincial Council award of public provincial nature;
- setting the expenditure chain at the province.

- Excellencies,
- Honourable,
- Distinguished guests,
- Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Democratic Republic of Congo, our country has begun this important reform that affects many sectors of national life in a difficult moment in its history and its implementation is indeed facing many challenges that we are called to overcome. Among these challenges, it should be mentioned:

- Safeguarding national unity

- the political will of central government to become involved in the implementation of decentralization emotional;

- the ability sound management of resources on the one hand and the conflicts that may arise between the various actors on the other;

- respect provincial autonomy and the decentralized territorial entities so that they can act freely in areas recognized their skills;

- the participation of the population in the process of decentralization;

- increasing the internal capacity to finance the process;

- the constitutional constraint on the boundaries of the Provinces.

The implementation of this reform requires everyone of us a sense of selflessness and patriotism so that the objective of decentralization is reached. That is to say, the promotion and development at the base. Thus, a rational management of public finances is needed to meet basic social needs and promote development. Hence the idea of organizing this seminar to equip provincial institutions and ETD out their responsibilities.

- Dear participants

I urge you to follow with attendance at work and sacrifices throughout this seminar, the modules will enable you to enrich your knowledge for effective and efficient management of public finance your Province

that, I declare open the Training Seminar in Public Finance to stakeholders in the expenditure in Katanga.

Long live Long live DRC


God bless Province Katanga

Thank you.

shi, April 12, 2010

Excellency the Minister of Local Government & Planning,
Excellency the Vice Minister of Finance,
Excellency the Governor of the Province and Chairman of the Steering Committee of the MDP,
Honorable President of the Provincial Assembly, Honourable Members
Excellence Mr Deputy Provincial Governor and Vice President of the steering committee of MDP,
Honourable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen
Provincial Ministers, Distinguished Guests
any protocol observed
It is with pleasure that I wish you on behalf of the Project for capacity building in governance (MDP in short) a cordial welcome to this training seminar in public finance.
Indeed, dated October 17, the steering committee has validated the project governance initiative in relation to basic training in public finance stakeholders in the system of public expenditure. Motivation deep was to get executives and state officials to master the fundamentals of public financial management.

Since in our country's competence in the practical training in public finance is not widespread, the National School of Finance has been identified as the best structure of the country able to achieve this mission.
It is in this context that no objection has been sought and obtained from the World Bank to finance this activity.

A collaboration agreement was thus signed with the National School of Finance for technical assistance to the Provincial Government.

Taking advantage of this assistance, the officers and State officials working in Katanga will benefit from a full semester of practical training from the top part of the National School of Finance to be equipped and support provincial institutions for the realization of actions on the ground for more visible results to improve the well being of the people of Katanga.
Is it necessary to recall that our country is engaged in the HIPC process to reach completion point and transparency in the management of public finances is a trigger point of completion?

This course is taught concurrently with:

- The launch of the first phase of rehabilitation of government buildings and provincial divisions,
- The recruitment of a firm of tax training for agents and managers Directorate of Revenue Katanga (DRKAT)
-The training of the administration of sectoral ministries (agriculture, health, education in developing sectoral expenditure framework (MTEF in abbreviation),
-Training the development of macro economic framework to develop the provincial aggregates.
In addition, as part of the implementation of the expenditure chain automation, studies have already been validated and the record of international tender was launched for the recruitment of international firm to provide software and equipment needed for networking.
This bouquet of activities pipe line provides sufficient evidence of MDP's commitment to turn to the more visible results and impact.
Here it should rightly thank His Excellency Mr. Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, Minister of Local Government for their support all these activities and its involvement in the implementation of the decentralization process.
I'm ungrateful if I finish without mentioning the Governor Moses Katumbi Chapwe and Vice Governor, who are respectively President and Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee of this project for their commitment to the achievement of project activities, their availability and their meaning listening.
Finally, we thank all the provincial government to support the project activities.
In conclusion, I would like a again reaffirm the commitment of project governance through this project the Ministry of Decentralization, World Bank to support the Katanga in its efforts to move from emergency to sustainable development to give hope to the people of Katanga.
Excellency the Minister of Local Government and Regional Planning,
Excellency the Governor of the Province,
Honorable President of the Provincial Assembly, Honourable Members
Office of the Provincial Assembly, Distinguished Guests
in your titles and respective qualities,
Thank you for your attention.

Erick Lwamba
Coordinator .- (End of text) in April 2010 .- .-minidecat/16


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