Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rododent Versus Sonicare

Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi applauds the action for immediate impact made by PAIDECO Kisangani

- (begin text) .- The Minister of Decentralization and Regional Planning, Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi welcomed the actions undertaken by the immediate impact PAIDECO Project, Support Programme for Community Development Initiatives in the District of Tshopo in the Eastern Province.

The objective is to promote a new dynamic local development through the construction and rehabilitation of basic infrastructure and support for economic and agricultural sectors.

This project is funded by the Belgian Technical Cooperation, through its implementing agency PAIDECO Tshopo is part of a broad program of support Community development initiatives initiated in the district Tshopo an annual budget of 3,580,000 Euros.

This amount is devoted to the rehabilitation of administrative infrastructures, schools, health centers, improvement of drinking water sources and others in the city of Kisangani and the District of Tshopo covered by the project.

The area of project intervention PAIDECO Tshopo key seven territories including: Banalia, Basoko, Bafwasende Isangi Opala, and Ubundu Yahuma and sectors and their chiefdoms.

Minister Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi who performed 20 to 23 April 2010 an evaluation mission actions undertaken by the Project PAIDECO Kisangani, hailed the impact of the project whose actions have an immediate impact on people's lives and improving the working conditions of provincial institutions. During this evaluation mission, the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development, was accompanied by the National Coordinator of PAIDECO, Yvan Dionne to be aware of the support provided to provincial institutions in setting implementation of the decentralization process as a prelude to the transfer of charges and jurisdiction at the provincial level and the decentralized territorial entities (ETD).

In Kisangani, the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development has enjoyed its fair value at the completion of PAIDECO Tshopo through the rehabilitation and restoration of infrastructure in provincial departments of Planning, Interior, function public employment, budget and finance institutional support to the provincial government.

For Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi PAIDECO support to local institutions through the rehabilitation of old buildings constructed during the colonial era, now in a state of dilapidation, including the Mayor of the City Kisangani and the old Post building built in 1925 and inaugurated in 1929 and currently houses the Provincial Department of Rural Development will give the city of Kisangani to its former glory and its picturesque appearance.

Not concerned in planning PAIDECO, the Minister Mbusa Nyamwisi pleaded and obtained from the project, the rehabilitation of the City of Kisangani, a historic building that housed the city once again the office of Prime Minister Patrice Emery Lumumba then collecting agent of the post in Kisangani and Yangambi.

In this building the archives have been abandoned. It's just out of curiosity the Minister Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi fell by chance on an old letter from "our national hero Patrice Emery Lumumba, dated 1954 in which he claimed payment of his snack with the Provincial Director of the Post at the time of which first tranche had been paid. " During the colonial era where nobody dared to claim its rights, Patrice Lumumba had never left in claiming their rights violated.

To immortalize his memory, Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi requested from the Mayor of the City of Kisangani to the table that served as the office of Patrice Lumumba and restored perfected so that it can be part of the building's history of the City Council before construction of the building of the Post Office in downtown Kisangani.

Nyamwisi good tidings: the rehabilitation of the City of Kisangani

boss Decentralization and Regional Planning was warmly cheered by the people of Kisangani when it announced the good news rehabilitation of the Mary of the City Hall of Kisangani with a budget addendum negotiated in the range of $ 150,000 that was good enough PAIDECO assign. This old building was built in Kisangani September 6, 1958 and will total 52 years of age. It has not been rehabilitated or coated with a fresh coat of paint not to mention the collapse of sanitation facilities giving the sign of a vestige of ancient Egypt. This

Hall, once rehabilitated, will take her best dress of long ago, a few months of the fiftieth anniversary of independence from the Democratic Republic of Congo. This work will include the introduction and installation of roofing, carpentry, floor, electricity and plumbing, interior and exterior painting, etc.. the construction period has been set at least 5 months.

Visibly pleased, the Minister Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi wrote in the GUESTBOOK of the City of Kisangani: "At a time when we celebrate the 50 years of independence, great is my joy to visit the historic house the city for the rehabilitation of this landmark building in the city for the materialization of its work. Tribute to Belgium through the PAIDECO for the greater good of the people of Kisangani "

This commitment by the Minister of Decentralisation and Planning has been strongly welcomed by the people who did not fail to pay deserved tribute to his dedication to constantly advocate for the Eastern Province in general and the city of Kisangani in particular to provide him infrastructure capable of hosting the new institutions in the context of decentralization.

In the day Wednesday, April 21 last, the Minister Mbusa visited the Common Tshopo one of the oldest towns in the city of Kisangani. This town has been completely rehabilitated by the PAIDECO which different services were staffed computer units. It is replacing the old typewriters dating from the colonial era still in vogue in that municipality.

He lamented the poor management of archives as the collective memory of the history of the town of Tshopo. He invited the authorities of this county to have a sense of responsibility to ensure better conservation of archives. To put administered in a good environment, there PAIDECO built modern toilets.

The cost of rehabilitation of the first joint of the city of Kisangani was $ 27,000. In his message to the local authorities and its constituents, Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi encouraged them to keep the communal building rehabilitated by "our Belgian partners of the BTC / PAIDECO" in a state of cleanliness for the greater good of all to play better "our role in restoring the authority of the State in this year's fiftieth anniversary. "

From thatched to a maternity clinic for the benefit of modern women

practitioners and indefatigable Minister Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi visited evaluation of project activities PAIDECO Tshopo at kilometer point on a road PK17 in very poor condition. Arriving at the scene, Nyamwisi lived the harsh reality of women who give birth on the ground under extremely difficult.

Construction of Motherhood and equipped by the modern PAIDECO was a great relief to the population. It has not dried up praise to the place of "son of the soil" for his determination to improve the welfare of the population in the context of decentralization where basic infrastructure play a critical role in development.
Accessibility of the population to primary health care and education through the construction of a new maternity under the project Support to community development initiatives in the Eastern Province, gave the District Tshopo high visibility basic infrastructure.
Finally at Yangambi, 98 km from the city of Kisangani, Nyamwisi had only tears to cry under the destruction of infrastructure still strong left by the settlers at the Recreation Center Yangambi considered to rightly as "the sanctuary of the Belgian" where they had to recreate it. They have built an ultra modern cinema, swimming pool, a casino and a bar where the King Baudouin and President Mobutu had exhibited a few dance steps to give this event a festive atmosphere. While the agroindustrial complex equipped Yangambi by the Belgians was completely abandoned. He found a lot of INA Yangambi response structures. The Belgians have left more than 450 villas in perfect condition with new occupants behave well without a master. As the anchor of activities remains the Territory PAIDECO Isangi.
Yangambi is also the chief town of the District of Tshopo, a landlocked city due to lack of means of communication. City of Yangambi which is implanted in a private estate belonging to INERA has more than 37,000 people living in very difficult conditions due to lack of electricity, drinking water, pharmacy, market, etc..
She is also a major agricultural research center where world famous varieties of coffee that delights the Brazilian economic and those of rubber, palm oil, which produces oil palm Malaysia, were experienced at Yangambi without the Congolese leaders seize this opportunity to implement a food processing industry to feed all of Africa and the world.

The inauguration of the eight classrooms of primary school Bangala at Yangambi, built by PAIDECO was the climax of the visit of Minister of Decentralization and Regional Planning at the chief town of the district Tshopo.
Bangala Primary School has about 600 students mostly girls. 10 out of 14 rooms have been completely rehabilitated and equipped with benches capacity of 40 students per class.
Minister Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi showed his personal involvement has become a passion for this man of Congolese authorities to adopt new modern infrastructure in order to be ready in the process of decentralization in service promoting local development.
He sought the extension of the project PAIDECO to other districts of Eastern Province to implement the approach to development that lays the groundwork for support for people in their daily lives through decentralization .- (End text) .-minidecat/mercredi, May 5, 2010 .-


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