Friday, May 21, 2010

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Ministry of Decentralization: Campaign extension of the texts of laws and Decentralization CSMOD DRC

.- (begin text) .- Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi held a point News this Saturday, May 15, 2010 in the precincts of the town hall of Kasavubu in Kinshasa. The briefing which focused on reviving the campaign to popularize the texts of laws and Decentralization Strategic Framework for its implementation in the Democratic Republic of Congo has received positive feedback upwind of the press both nationally and internationally.
below in full, the words uttered by the boss of Decentralization on this occasion:
Excellencies Ministers and Colleagues;
Excellency the Governor of the city of Kinshasa;
Ladies and Gentlemen Delegates Development Partners;
Distinguished Mayors of the City of Kinshasa
Ladies and gentlemen, journalists;
Distinguished Guests;

We are gathered here today in this historic setting of the communal house Kasavubu to start national campaign to popularize the decentralization from the city of Kinshasa.

Let me first of all to discharge the pleasant duty, that of paying a fitting tribute to the President of the Republic His Excellency Joseph Kabila Kabange, for all his tireless efforts deployed to strengthen peace throughout the country, to rebuild our country and support the Government in implementing the national policy of decentralization prescribed by the Constitution of February 18, 2006.
I would also like to express to you all, warm and sincere thanks of the Government, for the honor you have done in enhancing your presence this remarkable ceremony to launch the information campaign and awareness of the people of Kinshasa in all its aspects, including on decentralization consistent implementation controlled and requires the active and voluntary participation of all Congolese and all the Congolese, as the city of Kinshasa as all our provinces. The Government appreciates

rightly your presence, eloquent testimony to the great interest you have always shown to all that can contribute to the success of the process of decentralization Democratic Republic of Congo.
The campaign we are launching today is part of social communication on decentralization, which was formally opened by His Excellency the Prime Minister June 11, 2009 in Kinshasa, during the Closing of the National Workshop to validate the Strategic Framework for Implementation of Decentralization, "CSMOD" in acronym.
Ladies and Gentlemen;

Since the enactment of its new constitution 18 February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo is engaged in a process of implementation effective and more rational and profound institutional reforms that contribute to the realization of the new political order that we are committed to develop, based on the sovereign choice of the Congolese people, its leaders after the election free, pluralistic, democratic, transparent .

All institutional reforms take place and complement each other, they aim to achieve a modern state of the 3rd Republic like the modern states of the world.

Among these reforms, there is one that truly realizes the rebuilding of the Congolese state is that which deals with the reorganization Territorial Administration of our country based on decentralization.

Indeed, the Constitution of the 3rd Republic prescribes decentralization as a new mode of organization and governance. Decentralization implies firstly the division of powers, skills, responsibilities, resources and expenses between the central, provincial and territorial decentralized entities and secondly, it involves the active participation of the population in the process of making decisions on everything that concerns the life of every day and on any matter affecting its direct and immediate environment daily.
Ladies and Gentlemen;

Decentralization is considered worldwide as one of the main pillars and indicators of good governance.

The Congolese people, in its majority and all its components spontaneously greeted with great enthusiasm that reform of the territorial organization based on the principles of decentralization.

The first appeal of decentralization, can be interpreted as a reaction to a quasi-continuous excessive centralization that marked the Congolese administrative system for several decades.
But his interest lies really in the effective transfer of skills and costs to the Provinces and the decentralized territorial entities.

However, decentralization is not well known actors and the population thereof, the recent experiences of decentralization in the Democratic Republic of Congo have failed. We spoke of decentralization that are not cared to master the contours or its implementation with the participation of the population.

Now the population is both actor and beneficiary of this reform. As she does not it appropriate, decentralization may not be able to achieve its key objectives, including: the deepening of grassroots democracy, local development and the fight against poverty.
Therefore, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has decided to adopt a social communication strategy on decentralization in pursuance of the important recommendations of the National Forum on Decentralization, held in Kinshasa from 3 to 5 October 2007.

social communication strategy on decentralization aims to change attitudes and behaviors of all actors of decentralization in the perception and management of public affairs at both the central government in the provinces than in the decentralized territorial entities.

The overall objective of social communication campaign on decentralization is to inform and educate the Congolese population in both rural as towns on the reform of territorial organization, operated by the Constitution of 18 February 2006 This new reform is based on the empowerment of provincial and territorial entities in the decentralized management of their respective development. It aims or means all actors in the decentralization process in the implementation thereof.

The Government of the Republic by the campaign wants extension of decentralization make it out of its box into a technocratic reform alive.

The campaign aims firstly to raise awareness and understanding of the decentralization reform and secondly, it seeks to encourage the mobilization of all for the actual ownership of the decentralization process by each and every Congolese and Congo.
Public outreach efforts of decentralization has several objectives following specific

- Explain the concept, scope, benefits, issues and challenges of decentralization in the development of local democracy and the consolidation of national unity;
- Publicize the laws and regulations decentralization;
- Publicize and disseminate the national policy of decentralization represented by the Strategic Framework for Implementation of Decentralization;
- Promote ownership stakes of decentralization by the general public and the stakeholders in the process of setting implementation thereof in particular;
- nurturing the desire of citizen participation in local life;
- Promote and develop the civic culture;
- Maintain membership and promote accountability of all actors of decentralization in the implementation of the strategy of development of provinces and ETD by private and public sectors and civil society;
- Raise people's attention to the development of provincial and ETD;
- Mobilizing people everywhere to the cause of decentralization;
- Involving people in all its components in the process of implementation of decentralization;
- Publicize the new configuration of the territorial organization of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
To do this, the following activities will be deployed in Kinshasa:

1. The five-day training of extension workers whose City Mayors and Deputy Mayors, heads of municipal offices, Chiefs of Divisions and the Directorate of Urban Administration of the Provincial Assembly, delegates from civil society organizations .

2. The information campaign and mass awareness with 60 delegates from each municipality among them: the heads of districts, media, heads of municipal services, women's organizations, delegates from civil society organizations.
They will be grouped in a center chosen by what we commonly call the District, except District Tshangu which will include an additional Kinkole center for residents of Towns in Maluku and N'Sele due to distance factor.

The result we hope that the process of implementation of decentralization will become everyone's business and that Congolese citizens participate in elections overwhelmingly urban, municipal and local knowledge of the facts.

Through this campaign of social communication, the Government of the Republic expresses his faith in decentralization and expresses its determination to effectively implement the decentralization with participation of all Congolese villages and cities as sustainable development of our country depends.
Before concluding my remarks, I would reconsider the choice of the Maison Communale de Kasavubu to launch this campaign in the city of Kinshasa.

Indeed, cities and municipalities Congolese were the first field experiment of territorial decentralization in our country since 1957. The organization

Municipal has been commenced in the Congo by the decree of March 26, 1957.
Under that decree, the Governor of the Province of Leopoldville time had created by his Decree No. 021/429 of 12 October 1957, the first 11 districts of the city of Kinshasa, which Commune "Dendale" first name of the town Kasavubu. These early districts of the city of Kinshasa who are Gombe Kintambo Lingwala, Kinshasa, Bumbu, Kalamu Ngiri Ngiri, Bandalungwa Ngaliema and Limete, not to mention common Kasavubu were the first created common throughout our countries. The Municipality of

Kasavubu to the peculiarity that the first mayor of this town, elected according to the principles of free government, will become the first President of the Republic of Congo June 30, 1960, I quoted fire Daddy Kasavubu.

We can therefore say that decentralization, school of democracy, has given our country's first president in the person of the late President Kasavubu: Commune Kasavubu therefore constitutes a historic symbol of decentralization Democratic Republic of Congo.

is why we chose the seat of the Municipality of Kasavubu to launch campaign extension of decentralization in the city of Kinshasa, capital of the Republic

Wishing you all, active participation in the work, I declare open the social communication campaign on decentralization in the city of Kinshasa.

Thank you.

Just after the briefing, the Minister of Decentralisation and Territorial Development Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi had the honor of discovering the Office of the man who was the first mayor of the Municipality of Kasavubu and first President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, fire Kasavubu. It is with joy that MBUSA Nyamwisi had to sign in the guestbook of this historic town in the Congolese capital .- (End text) .-minidecat/vendredi, May 21, 2010 .-


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