Thursday, February 24, 2011

Inflatable Baby Walker Rings

Champain of trying to manipulate a FESIC minutes to get his ignoble purposes

The CGT at HEI knows that it is not easy to edit a ticket.

must write and listen at the same time, we need to sort out, and then, treat the proposed amendments one by one by those who were present

importantly, we must not yield to his own subjective interpretations or simply untrue.

But for the CGT at HEI is exactly this happened after the last meeting of the CPN FESIC in Paris February 1, 2011.

The draft of the minutes received by the SP of the FESIC away so that the truth simply can not blame human error.

The agreement on the classification .

The CGT has published articles about what has already passed on that.

The employers' delegation including a member, Denis Champain, did everything in his power to exclude non-permanent classification.

01 February, the two delegations are separated for privacy, before meeting at 10am

The union delegation agreed very quickly on that point. Nothing has changed. The non-permanent still being excluded, no union did sign the agreement on the classification.

Around 10 am, the employers' delegation has returned to the room and Chantal Jouneaux (CFDT) spoke for all unions.

She informed the delegation employer with a declaration Inter 'that nothing is changed and no union would sign the agreement.

At no time did Mrs. Jouneaux spoken individual positions of unions and in particular, she never spoke a different position of the CGT against the other unions.
Here is an extract of the minutes (draft), edited by Denis Champain of that meeting.

CGT is clearly positioned and said she will not sign any agreement until the non-permanent will not be aligned with permanent status.

Other unions consider that the current draft with some changes is admissible [end excerpt]

The CGT has immediately notified the other of this interpretation insidueuse DS by Denis Champain.

Chantal Jouneaux, as our secretary of the meeting, looked at his notes and detailed course, it ranks with the CGT. It also repeats

that the text is not admissible unless the requested changes are not met.

also confirmed by email Gac Anne (FP) which retains the same memories as the CGT.

As with Michèle Alliot-Marie, we know that many employers practice the same strategy of lies, manipulation and exclusion being inculcated with the same belief they are small gods.

Champain Denis is also the person who has shocked and offended the CGT at HEI few weeks ago saying twice before testifying that he cared less of a jurisprudence.

jurisprudence in question is one more in a long series to reduce the use of CSD items temporary nature really. But Denis

Champain and the employers' delegation of FESIC refuses to amend the agreement to enforce the law on this point and therefore, thousands of employees remain illegally in CSD plant use of FESIC.
vermin and employer policy we have today in France!


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