Monday, February 14, 2011

Subject Of Thank You Email Interview

Exercise TLP Spain

On 11 February, the Air Force has deployed in Albacete, Spain, six fighter aircraft and air traffic control during the first session of 2011 Tactical Leadership Program (TLP).

During the three weeks of exercise, the crew of French Mirage 2000 and F-E3 committed CAL knew him including crews and Eurofighter AMX Italian of

English F-18, F-16 Dutch and German Tornados. In a realistic aviation environment, air forces have done, both day and night missions to attack, close support or search and rescue combat.

These various missions have allowed crews to share their experiences and share their know-how acquired in Afghanistan and other theaters.

Florennes Based initially in Belgium, the school leaders of the NATO mission, which organizes the TLP has recently moved to the airbase of Albacete and offers several theoretical and practical sessions each year. The school aims to develop a sense of each military interoperability, including the knowledge and mastery of procedures and tactics.



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